M.A. Bell. & Huijser, M.P. (2024). Patterns of Domestic Animal-Vehicle Collisions on Tribal Lands in Montana, USA. Report number 4WA196. Western Transportation Institute, Montana State University, Bozeman, Montana, USA. There are two files provided. The first is carcass removal records collected by the Montana Department of Transportation (MDT) from 2008-2022. This is accumulation of all the carcass data acquired. This includes every record. For our analysis, we removed every species the size of a coyote or smaller to only include large mammals. Then we selected carcass locations within 25 meters of the MDT on-system routes and divided the results to tribal and non-tribal lands by domestic livestock and wildlife. The second file contains wildlife-vehicle crash data (no species specified) collected by law enforcement personnel from 2008-2020. Data was selected that was within 25 meters of MDT on-system routes and then divided into tribal and non-tribal lands by domestic livestock and wildlife.