Scholarly Work - Center for Biofilm Engineering

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    DropSOAC: Stabilizing Microfluidic Drops for Time-Lapse Quantification of Single-Cell Bacterial Physiology
    (2019-09) Pratt, Shawna L.; Zath, Geoffrey K.; Williamson, Kelly S.; Franklin, Michael J.; Chang, Connie B.
    The physiological heterogeneity of cells within a microbial population imparts resilience to stresses such as antimicrobial treatments and nutrient limitation. This resilience is partially due to a subpopulation of cells that can survive such stresses and regenerate the community. Microfluidic approaches now provide a means to study microbial physiology and bacterial heterogeneity at the single cell level, improving our ability to isolate and examine these subpopulations. Drop-based microfluidics provides a high-throughput approach to study individual cell physiology within bacterial populations. Using this approach, single cells are isolated from the population and encapsulated in growth medium dispersed in oil using a 15 μm diameter drop making microfluidic device. The drops are arranged as a packed monolayer inside a polydimethylsiloxane (PDMS) microfluidic device. Growth of thousands of individual cells in identical microenvironments can then be imaged using confocal laser scanning microscopy (CLSM). A challenge for this approach has been the maintenance of drop stability during extended time-lapse imaging. In particular, the drops do not maintain their volume over time during incubation in PDMS devices, due to fluid transport into the porous PDMS surroundings. Here, we present a strategy for PDMS device preparation that stabilizes drop position and volume within a drop array on a microfluidic chip for over 20 h. The stability of water-in-oil drops is maintained by soaking the device in a reservoir containing both water and oil in thermodynamic equilibrium. This ensures that phase equilibrium of the drop emulsion fluids within the porous PDMS material is maintained during drop incubation and imaging. We demonstrate the utility of this approach, which we label DropSOAC (DropStabilization On AChip), for time-lapse studies of bacterial growth. We characterize growth of Pseudomonas aeruginosa and its Δhpf mutant derivative during resuscitation and growth following starvation. We demonstrate that growth rate and lag time heterogeneity of hundreds of individual bacterial cells can be determined starting from single isolated cells. The results show that the DropSOAC capsule provides a high-throughput approach toward studies of microbial physiology at the single cell level, and can be used to characterize physiological differences of cells from within a larger population.
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    Janthinobacterium CG23_2: comparative genome analysis reveals enhanced environmental sensing and transcriptional regulation for adaptation to life in an Antarctic supraglacial stream
    (2019-10) Dieser, Markus; Smith, Heidi J.; Ramaraj, Thiruvarangan; Foreman, Christine M.
    As many bacteria detected in Antarctic environments are neither true psychrophiles nor endemic species, their proliferation in spite of environmental extremes gives rise to genome adaptations. Janthinobacterium sp. CG23_2 is a bacterial isolate from the Cotton Glacier stream, Antarctica. To understand how Janthinobacterium sp. CG23_2 has adapted to its environment, we investigated its genomic traits in comparison to genomes of 35 published Janthinobacterium species. While we hypothesized that genome shrinkage and specialization to narrow ecological niches would be energetically favorable for dwelling in an ephemeral Antarctic stream, the genome of Janthinobacterium sp. CG23_2 was on average 1.7 ± 0.6 Mb larger and predicted 1411 ± 499 more coding sequences compared to the other Janthinobacterium spp. Putatively identified horizontal gene transfer events contributed 0.92 Mb to the genome size expansion of Janthinobacterium sp. CG23_2. Genes with high copy numbers in the species-specific accessory genome of Janthinobacterium sp. CG23_2 were associated with environmental sensing, locomotion, response and transcriptional regulation, stress response, and mobile elements—functional categories which also showed molecular adaptation to cold. Our data suggest that genome plasticity and the abundant complementary genes for sensing and responding to the extracellular environment supported the adaptation of Janthinobacterium sp. CG23_2 to this extreme environment.
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    Long-Term Flow through Human Intestinal Organoids with the Gut Organoid Flow Chip (GOFlowChip)
    (2019-09) Sidar, Barkan; Jenkins, Brittany R.; Huang, Sha; Spence, Jason R.; Walk, Seth T.
    Human intestinal organoids (HIOs) are millimeter-scale models of the human intestinal epithelium and hold tremendous potential for advancing fundamental and applied biomedical research. HIOs resemble the native gut in that they consist of a fluid-filled lumen surrounded by a polarized epithelium and associated mesenchyme; however, their topologically-closed, spherical shape prevents flow through the interior luminal space, making the system less physiological and leading to the buildup of cellular and metabolic waste. These factors ultimately limit experimentation inside the HIOs. Here, we present a millifluidic device called the gut organoid flow chip (GOFlowChip), which we use to “port” HIOs and establish steady-state liquid flow through the lumen for multiple days. This long-term flow is enabled by the use of laser-cut silicone gaskets, which allow liquid in the device to be slightly pressurized, suppressing bubble formation. To demonstrate the utility of the device, we establish separate luminal and extraluminal flow and use luminal flow to remove accumulated waste. This represents the first demonstration of established liquid flow through the luminal space of a gastrointestinal organoid over physiologically relevant time scales. Flow cytometry results reveal that HIO cell viability is unaffected by long-term porting and luminal flow. We expect the real-time, long-term control over luminal and extraluminal contents provided by the GOFlowChip will enable a wide variety of studies including intestinal secretion, absorption, transport, and co-culture with intestinal microorganisms.
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    Facultative and anaerobic consortia of haloalkaliphilic ureolytic micro-organisms capable of precipitating calcium carbonate
    (Wiley, 2019-08) Skorupa, Dana J.; Akyel, Arda; Fields, Matthew W.; Gerlach, Robin
    Aims Development of biomineralization technologies has largely focused on microbially induced carbonate precipitation (MICP) via Sporosarcina pasteurii ureolysis; however, as an obligate aerobe, the general utility of this organism is limited. Here, facultative and anaerobic haloalkaliphiles capable of ureolysis were enriched, identified and then compared to S. pasteurii regarding biomineralization activities. Methods and Results Anaerobic and facultative enrichments for haloalkaliphilic and ureolytic micro‐organisms were established from sediment slurries collected at Soap Lake (WA). Optimal pH, temperature and salinity were determined for highly ureolytic enrichments, with dominant populations identified via a combination of high‐throughput SSU rRNA gene sequencing, clone libraries and Sanger sequencing of isolates. The enrichment cultures consisted primarily of Sporosarcina‐ and Clostridium‐like organisms. Ureolysis rates and direct cell counts in the enrichment cultures were comparable to the S. pasteurii (strain ATCC 11859) type strain. Conclusions Ureolysis rates from both facultatively and anaerobically enriched haloalkaliphiles were either not statistically significantly different to, or statistically significantly higher than, the S. pasteurii (strain ATCC 11859) rates. Work here concludes that extreme environments can harbour highly ureolytic active bacteria with potential advantages for large scale applications, such as environments devoid of oxygen. Significance and Impact of the Study The bacterial consortia and isolates obtained add to the possible suite of organisms available for MICP implementation, therefore potentially improving the economics and efficiency of commercial biomineralization.
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    A Novel Gastric Spheroid Co-culture Model Reveals Chemokine-Dependent Recruitment of Human Dendritic Cells to the Gastric Epithelium
    (2019-03) Sebrell, Thomas A.; Hashimi, Marziah; Sidar, Barkan; Wilkinson, Royce A.; Kirpotina, Liliya; Quinn, Mark T.; Malkoc, Zeynep; Taylor, Paul J.; Wilking, James N.; Bimczok, Diane
    Background & Aims Gastric dendritic cells (DCs) control the adaptive response to infection with Helicobacter pylori, a major risk factor for peptic ulcer disease and gastric cancer. We hypothesize that DC interactions with the gastric epithelium position gastric DCs for uptake of luminal H pylori and promote DC responses to epithelial-derived mediators. The aim of this study was to determine whether the gastric epithelium actively recruits DCs using a novel co-culture model of human gastric epithelial spheroids and monocyte-derived DCs. Methods Spheroid cultures of primary gastric epithelial cells were infected with H pylori by microinjection. Co-cultures were established by adding human monocyte-derived DCs to the spheroid cultures and were analyzed for DC recruitment and antigen uptake by confocal microscopy. Protein array, gene expression polymerase chain reaction array, and chemotaxis assays were used to identify epithelial-derived chemotactic factors that attract DCs. Data from the co-culture model were confirmed using human gastric tissue samples. Results Human monocyte-derived DCs co-cultured with gastric spheroids spontaneously migrated to the gastric epithelium, established tight interactions with the epithelial cells, and phagocytosed luminally applied H pylori. DC recruitment was increased upon H pylori infection of the spheroids and involved the activity of multiple chemokines including CXCL1, CXCL16, CXCL17, and CCL20. Enhanced chemokine expression and DC recruitment to the gastric epithelium also was observed in H pylori–infected human gastric tissue samples. Conclusions Our results indicate that the gastric epithelium actively recruits DCs for immunosurveillance and pathogen sampling through chemokine-dependent mechanisms, with increased recruitment upon active H pylori infection.
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    Competitive resource allocation to metabolic pathways contributes to overflow metabolisms and emergent properties in cross-feeding microbial consortia
    (2018-04) Carlson, Ross P.; Beck, Ashley E.; Phalak, Poonam; Fields, Matthew W.; Gedeon, Tomas; Hanley, Luke; Harcombe, W. R.; Henson, Michael A.; Heys, Jeffrey J.
    Resource scarcity is a common stress in nature and has a major impact on microbial physiology. This review highlights microbial acclimations to resource scarcity, focusing on resource investment strategies for chemoheterotrophs from the molecular level to the pathway level. Competitive resource allocation strategies often lead to a phenotype known as overflow metabolism; the resulting overflow byproducts can stabilize cooperative interactions in microbial communities and can lead to cross-feeding consortia. These consortia can exhibit emergent properties such as enhanced resource usage and biomass productivity. The literature distilled here draws parallels between in silico and laboratory studies and ties them together with ecological theories to better understand microbial stress responses and mutualistic consortia functioning.
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    Challenges and Opportunities for Tribal Waters: Addressing Disparities in Safe Public Drinking Water on the Crow Reservation in Montana, US
    (2018-03) Doyle, John T.; Kindness, L.; Real Bird, James; Eggers, Margaret J.; Camper, Anne K.
    Disparities in access to safe public drinking water are increasingly being recognized as contributing to health disparities and environmental injustice for vulnerable communities in the United States. As the Co-Directors of the Apsaálooke Water and Wastewater Authority (AWWWA) for the Crow Tribe, with our academic partners, we present here the multiple and complex challenges we have addressed in improving and maintaining tribal water and wastewater infrastructure, including the identification of diverse funding sources for infrastructure construction, the need for many kinds of specialized expertise and long-term stability of project personnel, ratepayer difficulty in paying for services, an ongoing legacy of inadequate infrastructure planning, and lack of water quality research capacity. As a tribal entity, the AWWWA faces additional challenges, including the complex jurisdictional issues affecting all phases of our work, lack of authority to create water districts, and additional legal and regulatory gaps—especially with regards to environmental protection. Despite these obstacles, the AWWWA and Crow Tribe have successfully upgraded much of the local water and wastewater infrastructure. We find that ensuring safe public drinking water for tribal and other disadvantaged U.S. communities will require comprehensive, community-engaged approaches across a broad range of stakeholders to successfully address these complex legal, regulatory, policy, community capacity, and financial challenges.
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    Cr(VI) reduction and physiological toxicity are impacted by resource ratio in Desulfovibrio vulgaris
    (2018-03) Franco, Lauren C.; Steinbeisser, Sadie; Zane, Grant M.; Wall, Judy D.; Fields, Matthew W.
    Desulfovibrio spp. are capable of heavy metal reduction and are well-studied systems for understanding metal fate and transport in anaerobic environments. Desulfovibrio vulgaris Hildenborough was grown under environmentally relevant conditions (i.e., temperature, nutrient limitation) to elucidate the impacts on Cr(VI) reduction on cellular physiology. Growth at 20 °C was slower than 30 °C and the presence of 50 μM Cr(VI) caused extended lag times for all conditions, but once growth resumed the growth rate was similar to that without Cr(VI). Cr(VI) reduction rates were greatly diminished at 20 °C for both 50 and 100 μM Cr(VI), particularly for the electron acceptor limited (EAL) condition in which Cr(VI) reduction was much slower, the growth lag much longer (200 h), and viability decreased compared to balanced (BAL) and electron donor limited (EDL) conditions. When sulfate levels were increased in the presence of Cr(VI), cellular responses improved via a shorter lag time to growth. Similar results were observed between the different resource (donor/acceptor) ratio conditions when the sulfate levels were normalized (10 mM), and these results indicated that resource ratio (donor/acceptor) impacted D. vulgaris response to Cr(VI) and not merely sulfate limitation. The results suggest that temperature and resource ratios greatly impacted the extent of Cr(VI) toxicity, Cr(VI) reduction, and the subsequent cellular health via Cr(VI) influx and overall metabolic rate. The results also emphasized the need to perform experiments at lower temperatures with nutrient limitation to make accurate predictions of heavy metal reduction rates as well as physiological states in the environment.
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    Compromised host defense on Pseudomonas aeruginosa biofilms: Characterization of neutrophil and biofilm interactions
    (2003-10) Jesaitis, A. J.; Franklin, Michael J.; Berglund, Deborah L.; Sasaki, Maiko; Lord, Connie I.; Bleazard, Justin Brock; Duffy, James E.; Beyenal, Haluk; Lewandowski, Zbigniew
    Pseudomonas aeruginosa is an opportunistic pathogen that forms biofilms on tissues and other surfaces. We characterized the interaction of purified human neutrophils with P. aeruginosa, growing in biofilms, with regard to morphology, oxygen consumption, phagocytosis, and degranulation. Scanning electron and confocal laser microscopy indicated that the neutrophils retained a round, unpolarized, unstimulated morphology when exposed to P. aeruginosa PAO1 biofilms. However, transmission electron microscopy demonstrated that neutrophils, although rounded on their dorsal side, were phagocytically active with moderate membrane rearrangement on their bacteria-adjacent surfaces. The settled neutrophils lacked pseudopodia, were impaired in motility, and were enveloped by a cloud of planktonic bacteria released from the biofilms. The oxygen consumption of the biofilm/neutrophil system increased 6- and 8-fold over that of the biofilm alone or unstimulated neutrophils in suspension, respectively. H(2)O(2) accumulation was transient, reaching a maximal measured value of 1 micro M. Following contact, stimulated degranulation was 20-40% (myeloperoxidase, beta-glucuronidase) and 40-80% (lactoferrin) of maximal when compared with formylmethionylleucylphenylalanine plus cytochalasin B stimulation. In summary, after neutrophils settle on P. aeruginosa biofilms, they become phagocytically engorged, partially degranulated, immobilized, and rounded. The settling also causes an increase in oxygen consumption of the system, apparently resulting from a combination of a bacterial respiration and escape response and the neutrophil respiratory burst but with little increase in the soluble concentration of H(2)O(2). Thus, host defense becomes compromised as biofilm bacteria escape while neutrophils remain immobilized with a diminished oxidative potential.
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    Contributions of antibiotic penetration, oxygen limitation, and low metabolic activity to tolerance of Pseudomonas aeruginosa biofilms to ciprofloxacin and tobramycin
    (2003-01) Walters, Marshall C., III; Roe, Frank L.; Bugnicourt, Amandine; Franklin, Michael J.; Stewart, Philip S.
    The roles of slow antibiotic penetration, oxygen limitation, and low metabolic activity in the tolerance of Pseudomonas aeruginosa in biofilms to killing by antibiotics were investigated in vitro. Tobramycin and ciprofloxacin penetrated biofilms but failed to effectively kill the bacteria. Bacteria in colony biofilms survived prolonged exposure to either 10 micro g of tobramycin ml(-1)or 1.0 micro g of ciprofloxacin ml(-1). After 100 h of antibiotic treatment, during which the colony biofilms were transferred to fresh antibiotic-containing plates every 24 h, the log reduction in viable cell numbers was only 0.49 +/- 0.18 for tobramycin and 1.42 +/- 0.03 for ciprofloxacin. Antibiotic permeation through colony biofilms, indicated by a diffusion cell bioassay, demonstrated that there was no acceleration in bacterial killing once the antibiotics penetrated the biofilms. These results suggested that limited antibiotic diffusion is not the primary protective mechanism for these biofilms. Transmission electron microscopic observations of antibiotic-affected cells showed lysed, vacuolated, and elongated cells exclusively near the air interface in antibiotic-treated biofilms, suggesting a role for oxygen limitation in protecting biofilm bacteria from antibiotics. To test this hypothesis, a microelectrode analysis was performed. The results demonstrated that oxygen penetrated 50 to 90 micro m into the biofilm from the air interface. This oxic zone correlated to the region of the biofilm where an inducible green fluorescent protein was expressed, indicating that this was the active zone of bacterial metabolic activity. These results show that oxygen limitation and low metabolic activity in the interior of the biofilm, not poor antibiotic penetration, are correlated with antibiotic tolerance of this P. aeruginosa biofilm system.
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