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    Algal amendment enhances biogenic methane production from coals of different thermal maturity
    (Frontiers Media SA, 2023-03) Platt, George A.; Davis, Katherine J.; Schweitzer, Hannah D.; Smith, Heidi J.; Fields, Matthew W.; Barnhart, Elliott P.; Gerlach, Robin
    The addition of small amounts of algal biomass to stimulate methane production in coal seams is a promising low carbon renewable coalbed methane enhancement technique. However, little is known about how the addition of algal biomass amendment affects methane production from coals of different thermal maturity. Here, we show that biogenic methane can be produced from five coals ranging in rank from lignite to low-volatile bituminous using a coal-derived microbial consortium in batch microcosms with and without algal amendment. The addition of 0.1 g/l algal biomass resulted in maximum methane production rates up to 37 days earlier and decreased the time required to reach maximum methane production by 17–19 days when compared to unamended, analogous microcosms. Cumulative methane production and methane production rate were generally highest in low rank, subbituminous coals, but no clear association between increasing vitrinite reflectance and decreasing methane production could be determined. Microbial community analysis revealed that archaeal populations were correlated with methane production rate (p = 0.01), vitrinite reflectance (p = 0.03), percent volatile matter (p = 0.03), and fixed carbon (p = 0.02), all of which are related to coal rank and composition. Sequences indicative of the acetoclastic methanogenic genus Methanosaeta dominated low rank coal microcosms. Amended treatments that had increased methane production relative to unamended analogs had high relative abundances of the hydrogenotrophic methanogenic genus Methanobacterium and the bacterial family Pseudomonadaceae. These results suggest that algal amendment may shift coal-derived microbial communities towards coal-degrading bacteria and CO2-reducing methanogens. These results have broad implications for understanding subsurface carbon cycling in coal beds and the adoption of low carbon renewable microbially enhanced coalbed methane techniques across a diverse range of coal geology.
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    Subsurface hydrocarbon degradation strategies in low- and high-sulfate coal seam communities identified with activity-based metagenomics
    (Springer Science and Business Media LLC, 2022-02) Schweitzer, Hannah D.; Smith, Heidi J.; Barnhart, Elliott P.; McKay, Luke J.; Gerlach, Robin; Cunningham, Alfred B.; Malmstrom, Rex R.; Goudeau, Danielle; Fields, Matthew W.
    Environmentally relevant metagenomes and BONCAT-FACS derived translationally active metagenomes from Powder River Basin coal seams were investigated to elucidate potential genes and functional groups involved in hydrocarbon degradation to methane in coal seams with high- and low-sulfate levels. An advanced subsurface environmental sampler allowed the establishment of coal-associated microbial communities under in situ conditions for metagenomic analyses from environmental and translationally active populations. Metagenomic sequencing demonstrated that biosurfactants, aerobic dioxygenases, and anaerobic phenol degradation pathways were present in active populations across the sampled coal seams. In particular, results suggested the importance of anaerobic degradation pathways under high-sulfate conditions with an emphasis on fumarate addition. Under low-sulfate conditions, a mixture of both aerobic and anaerobic pathways was observed but with a predominance of aerobic dioxygenases. The putative low-molecular-weight biosurfactant, lichysein, appeared to play a more important role compared to rhamnolipids. The methods used in this study—subsurface environmental samplers in combination with metagenomic sequencing of both total and translationally active metagenomes—offer a deeper and environmentally relevant perspective on community genetic potential from coal seams poised at different redox conditions broadening the understanding of degradation strategies for subsurface carbon.
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    In Situ Enhancement and Isotopic Labeling of Biogenic Coalbed Methane
    (American Chemical Society, 2022-02) Barnhart, Elliott P.; Ruppert, Leslie; Hiebert, Randy; Smith, Heidi J.; Schweitzer, Hannah D.; Clark, Arthur C.; Weeks, Edwin P.; Orem, William H.; Varonka, Matthew S.; Platt, George; Shelton, Jenna L.; Davis, Katherine J.; Hyatt, Robert J.; McIntosh, Jennifer C.; Ashley, Kilian; Ono, Shuhei; Martini, Anna M.; Hackley, Keith C.; Gerlach, Robin; Spangler, Lee; Phillips, Adrienne J.; Barry, Mark; Cunningham, Alfred B.; Fields, Matthew W.
    Subsurface microbial (biogenic) methane production is an important part of the global carbon cycle that has resulted in natural gas accumulations in many coal beds worldwide. Laboratory studies suggest that complex carbon-containing nutrients (e.g., yeast or algae extract) can stimulate methane production, yet the effectiveness of these nutrients within coal beds is unknown. Here, we use downhole monitoring methods in combination with deuterated water (D2O) and a 200-liter injection of 0.1% yeast extract (YE) to stimulate and isotopically label newly generated methane. A total dissolved gas pressure sensor enabled real time gas measurements (641 days preinjection and for 478 days postinjection). Downhole samples, collected with subsurface environmental samplers, indicate that methane increased 132% above preinjection levels based on isotopic labeling from D2O, 108% based on pressure readings, and 183% based on methane measurements 266 days postinjection. Demonstrating that YE enhances biogenic coalbed methane production in situ using multiple novel measurement methods has immediate implications for other field-scale biogenic methane investigations, including in situ methods to detect and track microbial activities related to the methanogenic turnover of recalcitrant carbon in the subsurface.
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    Effect of temperature, nitrate concentration, pH and bicarbonate addition on biomass and lipid accumulation in the sporulating green alga PW95
    (Elsevier BV, 2020-12) Corredor, L.; Barnhart, E.P.; Parker, A.E.; Gerlach, Robin; Fields, Matthew W.
    The mixed effects of temperature (20 °C, 25 °C and 30 °C), nitrate concentration (0.5 mM and 2.0 mM), pH buffer, and bicarbonate addition (trigger) on biomass growth and lipid accumulation were investigated in the environmental alga PW95 during batch experiments in standardized growth medium. PW95 was isolated from coal-bed methane production water and classified as a Chlamydomonas-like species by morphological characterization and phylogenetic analysis (18S, ITS, rbcL). A factorial experimental design tested the mixed effects on PW95 before and after nitrate depletion to determine a low cost, high efficiency combination of treatments for biomass growth and lipid accumulation. Results showed buffer addition affected growth for most of the treatments and bicarbonate trigger had no statistically significant effect on growth and lipid accumulation. PW95 displayed the highest growth rate and chlorophyll content at 30 °C and 2.0 mM nitrate and there was an inverse relation between biomass accumulation and lipid accumulation at the extremes of nitrate concentration and temperature. The combination of higher temperature (30 °C) and lower nitrate level (0.5 mM) without the use of a buffer or bicarbonate addition resulted in maximal daily biomass accumulation (5.30 × 106 cells/mL), high biofuel potential before and after nitrate depletion (27% and 20%), higher biofuel productivity (16 and 15 mg/L/d, respectively), and desirable fatty acid profiles (saturated and unsaturated C16 and C18 chains). Our results indicate an important interaction between low nitrate levels, temperature, and elevated pH for trade-offs between biomass and lipid production in PW95. This work serves as a model to approach and advance the study of physiological responses of novel microalgae to diverse culture conditions that mimic environmental changes for outdoor biofuel production. The most promising conditions for growth and biofuel production were identified for PW95 and this approach can be implemented for other microalgal production systems.
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    Facultative and anaerobic consortia of haloalkaliphilic ureolytic micro-organisms capable of precipitating calcium carbonate
    (Wiley, 2019-08) Skorupa, Dana J.; Akyel, Arda; Fields, Matthew W.; Gerlach, Robin
    Aims Development of biomineralization technologies has largely focused on microbially induced carbonate precipitation (MICP) via Sporosarcina pasteurii ureolysis; however, as an obligate aerobe, the general utility of this organism is limited. Here, facultative and anaerobic haloalkaliphiles capable of ureolysis were enriched, identified and then compared to S. pasteurii regarding biomineralization activities. Methods and Results Anaerobic and facultative enrichments for haloalkaliphilic and ureolytic micro‐organisms were established from sediment slurries collected at Soap Lake (WA). Optimal pH, temperature and salinity were determined for highly ureolytic enrichments, with dominant populations identified via a combination of high‐throughput SSU rRNA gene sequencing, clone libraries and Sanger sequencing of isolates. The enrichment cultures consisted primarily of Sporosarcina‐ and Clostridium‐like organisms. Ureolysis rates and direct cell counts in the enrichment cultures were comparable to the S. pasteurii (strain ATCC 11859) type strain. Conclusions Ureolysis rates from both facultatively and anaerobically enriched haloalkaliphiles were either not statistically significantly different to, or statistically significantly higher than, the S. pasteurii (strain ATCC 11859) rates. Work here concludes that extreme environments can harbour highly ureolytic active bacteria with potential advantages for large scale applications, such as environments devoid of oxygen. Significance and Impact of the Study The bacterial consortia and isolates obtained add to the possible suite of organisms available for MICP implementation, therefore potentially improving the economics and efficiency of commercial biomineralization.
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    Biogenic coal-to-methane conversion efficiency decreases after repeated organic amendment stimulation
    (2018-01) Davis, Katherine J.; Barnhart, Elliott P.; Fields, Matthew W.; Gerlach, Robin
    Addition of organic amendments to coal-containing systems can increase the rate and extent of biogenic methane production for 60−80 days before production slows or stops. Understanding the effect of repeated amendment additions on the rate and extent of enhanced coal-dependent methane production is important if biological coal-to-methane conversion is to be enhanced on a commercial scale. Microalgal biomass was added at a concentration of 0.1 g/L to microcosms with and without coal on days 0, 76, and 117. Rates of methane production were enhanced after the initial amendment but coal-containing treatments produced successively decreasing amounts of methane with each amendment. During the first amendment period, 113% of carbon added as amendment was recovered as methane, whereas in the second and third amendment periods, 39% and 32% of carbon added as amendment was recovered as methane, respectively. Additionally, algae-amended coal treatments produced ∼38% more methane than unamended coal treatments and ∼180% more methane than amended coal-free treatments after one amendment. However, a second amendment addition resulted in only an ∼25% increase in methane production for coal versus noncoal treatments and a third amendment addition resulted in similar methane production in both coal and noncoal treatments. Successive amendment additions appeared to result in a shift from coal-to-methane conversion to amendment-to-methane conversion. The reported results indicate that a better understanding is needed of the potential impacts and efficiencies of repeated stimulation for enhanced coal-to-methane conversion.
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    Type and amount of organic amendments affect enhanced biogenic methane production from coal and microbial community structure
    (2018-01) Davis, Katherine J.; Shipeng, Lu; Barnhart, Elliott P.; Parker, Albert E.; Fields, Matthew W.; Gerlach, Robin
    Slow rates of coal-to-methane conversion limit biogenic methane production from coalbeds. This study demonstrates that rates of coal-to-methane conversion can be increased by the addition of small amounts of organic amendments. Algae, cyanobacteria, yeast cells, and granulated yeast extract were tested at two concentrations (0.1 and 0.5 g/L), and similar increases in total methane produced and methane production rates were observed for all amendments at a given concentration. In 0.1 g/L amended systems, the amount of carbon converted to methane minus the amount produced in coal only systems exceeded the amount of carbon added in the form of amendment, suggesting enhanced coal-to-methane conversion through amendment addition. The amount of methane produced in the 0.5 g/L amended systems did not exceed the amount of carbon added. While the archaeal communities did not vary significantly, the bacterial populations appeared to be strongly influenced by the presence of coal when 0.1 g/L of amendment was added; at an amendment concentration of 0.5 g/L the bacterial community composition appeared to be affected most strongly by the amendment type. Overall, the results suggest that small amounts of amendment are not only sufficient but possibly advantageous if faster in situ coal-to-methane production is to be promoted.
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    Use of sodium bicarbonate to stimulate triacylglycerol accumulation in the chlorophyte Scenedesmus sp. and the diatom Phaeodactylum tricornutum
    (2012-10) Gardner, Robert D.; Cooksey, Keith E.; Mus, Florence; Macur, Richard E.; Moll, Karen M.; Eustance, E. O.; Carlson, Ross P.; Gerlach, Robin; Fields, Matthew W.; Peyton, Brent M.
    There is potential for algal-derived biofuel to help alleviate part of the world’s dependency on petroleum based fuels. However, research must still be done on strain selection, induction of triacylglycerol (TAG) accumulation, and fundamental algal metabolic studies, along with large-scale culturing techniques, harvesting, and biofuel/biomass processing. Here, we have advanced the knowledge on Scenedesmus sp. strain WC-1 by monitoring growth, pH, and TAG accumulation on a 14:10 light–dark cycle with atmospheric air or 5% CO2 in air (v/v) aeration. Under ambient aeration, there was a loss of pH-induced TAG accumulation, presumably due to TAG consumption during the lower culture pH observed during dark hours (pH 9.4). Under 5% CO2 aeration, the growth rate nearly doubled from 0.78 to 1.53 d−1, but the pH was circumneutral (pH 6.9) and TAG accumulation was minimal. Experiments were also performed with 5% CO2 during the exponential growth phase, which was then switched to aeration with atmospheric air when nitrate was close to depletion. These tests were run with and without the addition of 50 mM sodium bicarbonate. Cultures without added bicarbonate showed decreased growth rates with the aeration change, but there was no immediate TAG accumulation. The cultures with bicarbonate added immediately ceased cellular replication and rapid TAG accumulation was observed, as monitored by Nile Red fluorescence which has previously been correlated by gas chromatography to cellular TAG levels. Sodium bicarbonate addition (25 mM final concentration) was also tested with the marine diatom Phaeodactylum tricornutum strain Pt-1 and this organism also accumulated TAG.
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    Potential role of multiple carbon fixation pathways during lipid accumulation in Phaeodactylum tricornutum
    (2012-06) Valenzuela, Jacob J.; Mazurie, Aurélien J.; Carlson, Ross P.; Gerlach, Robin; Cooksey, Keith E.; Peyton, Brent M.; Fields, Matthew W.
    BACKGROUND: Phaeodactylum tricornutum is a unicellular diatom in the class Bacillariophyceae. The full genome hasbeen sequenced (<30 Mb), and approximately 20 to 30% triacylglyceride (TAG) accumulation on a dry cell basis hasbeen reported under different growth conditions. To elucidate P. tricornutum gene expression profiles duringnutrient-deprivation and lipid-accumulation, cell cultures were grown with a nitrate to phosphate ratio of 20:1 (N:P)and whole-genome transcripts were monitored over time via RNA-sequence determination.RESULTS: The specific Nile Red (NR) fluorescence (NR fluorescence per cell) increased over time; however, theincrease in NR fluorescence was initiated before external nitrate was completely exhausted. Exogenous phosphatewas depleted before nitrate, and these results indicated that the depletion of exogenous phosphate might be anearly trigger for lipid accumulation that is magnified upon nitrate depletion. As expected, many of the genesassociated with nitrate and phosphate utilization were up-expressed. The diatom-specific cyclins cyc7 and cyc10were down-expressed during the nutrient-deplete state, and cyclin B1 was up-expressed during lipid-accumulationafter growth cessation. While many of the genes associated with the C3 pathway for photosynthetic carbonreduction were not significantly altered, genes involved in a putative C4 pathway for photosynthetic carbonassimilation were up-expressed as the cells depleted nitrate, phosphate, and exogenous dissolved inorganic carbon(DIC) levels. P. tricornutum has multiple, putative carbonic anhydrases, but only two were significantly up-expressed(2-fold and 4-fold) at the last time point when exogenous DIC levels had increased after the cessation of growth.Alternative pathways that could utilize HCO-3 were also suggested by the gene expression profiles (e.g., putativepropionyl-CoA and methylmalonyl-CoA decarboxylases).CONCLUSION: The results indicate that P. tricornutum continued carbon dioxide reduction when population growthwas arrested and different carbon-concentrating mechanisms were used dependent upon exogenous DIC levels.Based upon overall low gene expression levels for fatty acid synthesis, the results also suggest that the build-up ofprecursors to the acetyl-CoA carboxylases may play a more significant role in TAG synthesis rather than the actualenzyme levels of acetyl-CoA carboxylases per se. The presented insights into the types and timing of cellularresponses to inorganic carbon will help maximize photoautotrophic carbon flow to lipid accumulation.
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    Physiological and molecular analysis of carbon source supplementation and pH stress-induced lipid accumulation in the marine diatom Phaeodactylum tricornutum
    (2013-03) Mus, Florence; Toussaint, Jean-Paul; Cooksey, Keith E.; Fields, Matthew W.; Gerlach, Robin; Peyton, Brent M.; Carlson, Ross P.
    A detailed physiological and molecular analysis of lipid accumulation under a suite of conditions including nitrogen limitation, alkaline pH stress, bicarbonate supplementation, and organic acid supplementation was performed on the marine diatom Phaeodactylum tricornutum. For all tested conditions, nitrogen limitation was a prerequisite for lipid accumulation and the other culturing strategies only enhanced accumulation highlighting the importance of compounded stresses on lipid metabolism. Volumetric lipid levels varied depending on condition; the observed rankings from highest to lowest were for inorganic carbon addition (15 mM bicarbonate), organic acid addition (15 carbon mM acetate), and alkaline pH stress (pH9.0). For all lipidaccumulating cultures except acetate supplementation, a common series of physiological steps were observed. Upon extracellular nitrogen exhaustion, culture growth continued for approximately 1.5 cell doublings with decreases in specific protein and photosynthetic pigment content. As nitrogen limitation arrested cell growth, carbohydrate content decreased with a corresponding increase in lipid content. Addition of the organic carbon source acetate appeared to activate alternative metabolic pathways for lipid accumulation. Molecular level data on more than 50 central metabolism transcripts were measured using real-time PCR. Analysis of transcripts suggested the central metabolism pathways associated with bicarbonate transport, carbonic anhydrases, and C4 carbon fixations were important for lipid accumulation. Transcriptomic data also suggested that repurposing of phospholipids may play a role in lipid accumulation. This study provides a detailed physiological and molecular-level foundation for improved understanding of diatom nutrient cycling and contributes to a metabolic blueprint for controlling lipid accumulation in diatoms.
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