Theses and Dissertations at Montana State University (MSU)

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    Do we practice what we teach? Examining the affective reading dispositions of preservice elementary education students
    (Montana State University - Bozeman, College of Education, Health & Human Development, 2023) Knickerbocker, Michelle Tappmeyer; Chairperson, Graduate Committee: Sarah Pennington
    Using a narrative inquiry approach, this study attempts to address the issue of helping first-year elementary education students gain explicit understanding of their own affective reading dispositions and the past reading experiences that influenced their development and how their ARDs may influence the choices they make as teachers. Data was collected through the Literacy Habits Questionnaire (Applegate et al., 2014), two, one-on-one interviews, two group meetings, and reading autobiographical artifacts created by the participants. The theoretical framework used to support the study combined Beer's (1996) reading typology and McKenna's (2001) development of reading attitudes theory which highlight the importance of considering how the cognitive, sociocultural, and affective reading experiences affect reading identity and one's choice to read or not to read. As a collaborative experience, designed with the researcher as participant, this study also shines a light on how teacher educators may or may not address their students' ARDs and provide positive reading experiences to aid in reinforcing or adjusting students' ARDs before the enter the classroom as teachers. The results of this study indicate that providing a collaborative, interactive, reflective process focused on past reading experiences and the development of ARDs may provide students with new perspectives and address misconceptions about teaching and learning reading. Additionally, it reminds teacher educators that we cannot assume that all students entering a TEP have positive ARDs and/or are proficient readers. These are dispositional aspects that should be examined and addressed.
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    Superintendent efficacy and addressing community needs
    (Montana State University - Bozeman, College of Education, Health & Human Development, 2024) Kirchner, Derek Lee; Chairperson, Graduate Committee: Tena Versland
    The purpose of this intrinsic case study was to explore how a self-efficacious superintendent mitigates the challenges of addressing community needs. In previous literature on community dissatisfaction, superintendents who have neglected the needs of community members have lost their jobs. Despite being trained for and required to demonstrate knowledge on ways to identify and address the needs of the school district community, many superintendents fall short and end up being removed from their positions by the school board and community. Self-Efficacy theory postulates that individuals with a high degree of efficacy for their jobs seek out and are more receptive to innovations within their workplaces. This research study utilized a document review of school board meeting minutes, public voting data, and superintendent correspondence to determine instances of community needs. This information was utilized to conduct semiformal interviews with a superintendent to explore strategies he used to address needs in the community. The results of the document revealed that dissatisfaction occurred around four events: the Cougar's Cave playground structure, the Economic Development District, the High School project, and COVID-19. The analysis of the interviews indicated that the superintendent employed three strategies to mitigate community dissatisfaction: Developed a Culture of Learning within the District, Involved the Community, and Built Relationships. The strategies in this research echo what has already been written regarding successful superintendent leadership. Conclusions drawn from this project include the idea that both the superintendent and the school board should research each other prior to offering and accepting employment in a district to ensure superintendent skillsets match district needs. A second conclusion is the superintendent should develop a strong relationship with the school board but should remain open to feedback and concerns from the community. A final conclusion drawn from the research is that the superintendent should selectively choose mentors and be receptive to their advice.
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    Navigating scientific literacy in the midst of crisis: teachers' challenges and supports as framed by social ecological theory
    (Montana State University - Bozeman, College of Education, Health & Human Development, 2024) Pavlovich, Christina Lynn; Co-chairs, Graduate Committee: Jayne Downey and Rebekah Hammack
    This dissertation investigated the long-standing challenge of achieving scientific literacy in K-12 public schools, highlighted by the COVID-19 pandemic and emphasizing a need to understand teacher experiences to address systemic issues and enhance student scientific literacy. The study focused on describing factors impacting experiences teaching scientific literacy during the COVID-19 socio-economic-health crisis. Participants included ten high school science teachers in a Northwestern state of the United States. Methods were grounded in the theoretical framework of constructivism epistemology and Bronfenbrenner's (1997) Social Ecological Theory. Data collection was modeled from the methodology of Ali et al. (2022), collecting data from teacher surveys and one-on-one interviews. Interviews produced a 1) free-ranked list, 2) concept map, and 3) interview transcription for each participant. Data analysis employed complementary strategies and consisted of two phases: 1) an initial analysis phase which employed three complementary data analysis strategies, and 2) a secondary analysis phase rooted in constant comparison for triangulated synthesis. Findings revealed factors impacting teaching scientific literacy during the socio-economic-health crisis of COVID-19 including influence from community and societal perspectives of science, student inequities, teaching dynamics, and the balancing of demands between personal and professional responsibilities. Subfactors aligned to these themes helped further describe participant experiences in context. Participants described several relationships between their social networks, or social ecologies, and factors which impacted teaching scientific literacy. Science, particularly trust in science, was centered in participant descriptions of public-level impacts. The findings underscored the need for education systems to bridge the cultural gap between science and education. Interactions and processes involved in teaching within the classroom environment presented an unexpected result, with a precisely inverse relationship between frequency and magnitude. While it was frequently encountered, it was not perceived as highly impactful compared to other factors. This finding suggests the importance of considering both frequency and magnitude of impact in decision- making processes and raises questions about the prioritization of resources and support efforts within educational systems. Recommendations include the development of culturally responsive science policies, empowering local curriculum, fostering teacher support networks, and expanding pedagogical strategies to engage students and families beyond the classroom.
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    New standard of education: implementing a proficiency-based education model in a Montana elementary school district
    (Montana State University - Bozeman, College of Education, Health & Human Development, 2024) Walker, Melissa Elizabeth; Chairperson, Graduate Committee: Christine Rogers Stanton
    In Montana, recent state-level educational legislation has been written to mandate that school districts adopt proficiency-based models of instruction and assessment. The intent of proficiency-based education is to provide students with rigorous and engaging learning opportunities, provide students with the individualized support needed to become proficient on grade-level standards, and ultimately prepare them for college, career, and civic life (Great Schools Partnership, 2018). Key characteristics of this model examined in this study include curricular resources aligned to standards, formative and summative assessments to guide instruction, varied instructional paces, providing students multiple opportunities to demonstrate proficiency, and embedding student self-assessment (Great Schools Partnership, 2018). The purpose of this research is to understand and explore Belgrade School District's implementation of proficiency-based education (PBE) structures within its elementary schools and develop a strategic action plan based on emergent facilitators and barriers. An intrinsic case study was conducted, and data was collected through semi-structured interviews with teacher and administrator participants. Structural coding was applied, and thematic analysis was conducted to identify facilitators and barriers to each criterion of PBE in Belgrade. The following themes emerged from participant responses: "time," "pockets," and "putting the cart before the horse." Each of these themes contains more specific barriers, such as lacking professional development, insufficient accountability from administrators, inadequate Tier 1 instruction, gaps in understanding of the rationale for PBE, and varied teacher buy-in, which participants feel contribute to a noncomprehensive implementation of proficiency-based education in the elementary district. An action plan was developed for the district based on these barriers, which can be adapted to fit schools in similar contexts that are facing similar legislative pressure. In addition to meeting accreditation requirements, adopting a PBE model has the potential to affect student achievement and educational experience due to its emphasis on equity (Levine & Patrick, 2018).
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    Effectiveness plans and practices in programmatic accreditation: differences in evaluative culture in nursing and engineering
    (Montana State University - Bozeman, College of Education, Health & Human Development, 2024) Swift, Paul Richard; Chairperson, Graduate Committee: Carrie B. Myers
    One of the main methods of public accountability in higher education is the use of accreditation to measure quality and ensure continuous improvement. In recent decades, accrediting bodies have moved away from inputs-driven requirements to requirements that focus on outcomes. One of the major shifts has been towards requiring institutions and programs to report on their effectiveness. However, despite the significant commitment of resources towards accreditation, there is little research around the practices within accredited programs. The purpose of this grounded theory study was to better understand the practices of practitioners of program effectiveness in accredited programs of engineering and nursing at two separate institutions of higher education. The study found significant differences in the scope of effectiveness practice between the two disciplines, with engineering practitioners focusing primarily on the assessment of student outcomes while nursing practitioners focused on systems that comprehensively evaluated many different aspects of their program. The study further found that most of the practitioners had come to their positions as novices; this presented an opportunity to learn from these seasoned professionals and theorize best practices for the field that may contribute to improved effectiveness practices for programs that are programmatically accredited. Suggestions are also provided for the field of accreditation more broadly to help clarify terminology and expectations.
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    "I felt like I did not belong": A case study investigation on doctoral students' validation, engagement, and socialization experiences
    (Montana State University - Bozeman, College of Education, Health & Human Development, 2024) Edwards, Melisenda Gilda; Chairperson, Graduate Committee: Bryce Hughes
    This case study examines the role of an academic department in aiding doctoral students' success with a focus on socialization, engagement, and validating experiences. Research has shown that some attrition at the doctoral level can be mitigated by adopting systems similar to those already occurring in undergraduate populations, yet implementation continues to lag. Exploring the effects of programming and support in an academic unit may be the key to leading a campus integration strategy. To investigate this, the study utilized doctoral students within the Department of Education at Montana State University to consider their experiences with an implemented retention method, specifically unique courses geared towards student success. This research aimed to uncover the system's efficacy from the students' perspectives by understanding the students entering post-graduate work and exploring their experiences throughout their journey. The project involved interviews with 25 current and past doctoral students within the Department of Education. Students were selected from all doctoral students admitted by the department over seven years, covering Fall 2014 through Fall 2021. The students who responded self-selected to participate in a semi-structured interview or to complete an open-ended Qualtrics survey. A key finding was that the initiatives were mostly successful and provided validation, community, and social connections, which were aspects surrounding effective student retention. Conversely, the retention initiatives were somewhat problematic when the courses were not taken at the most opportunistic time or were found partially ineffective based on differing student needs. Ultimately, the study underscored the need for programming to support student success through programmatic changes to bridge social, cultural, and academic knowledge gaps, also known as insider knowledge, that some students may be lacking when entering doctoral programs and to address continued socialization, engagement, and experiential validation throughout a doctoral journey.
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    What we bring with us: investigating the impact of identity and background on the online learning experience
    (Montana State University - Bozeman, College of Education, Health & Human Development, 2024) Dorsett, Carter Michael; Chairperson, Graduate Committee: Nick Lux
    A student's identity and background play a significant role in their educational experiences. In higher education, these factors are often discussed while analyzing discrepancies in outcomes. However, a student's identity and background do not intrinsically affect learning outcomes; the impact that these two factors have on the student's educational experience causes discrepancies in outcomes. We have considerable research on the many ways that identity and background impact a traditional higher educational experience, but there is less research available exploring their impact on the online learning experience. Through a qualitative approach, this case study seeks to go beyond demographic- and outcome-based research to explore the core of the student experience through their own perspective. The selected case was a semester-long online graduate-level course in the Health and Human Development Field at a large research institution in the Mountain West. Data was collected through a syllabus review, observation of a live class session conducted via videoconferencing, and a semi-structured interview. Findings suggested that like in-person learning, a student's identity and background impact their feelings of community and belonging, their persistence and purpose, and their approach to learning in an online environment. Additionally, with fewer opportunities for interaction, instructors can cultivate feelings of community and belonging among their students by acknowledging the challenges associated with the course and demonstrating their support. They can also support student persistence by providing flexibility with assignments and deadlines and understanding when a student may have an outside factor impacting their ability to meet course requirements.
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    First-year seminar instructor experiences: embracing an identity, an autoethnographic case study
    (Montana State University - Bozeman, College of Education, Health & Human Development, 2024) Blanchard, Deborah Lee; Chairperson, Graduate Committee: Tricia Seifert
    Scholarship about first-year seminar programs tend to focus on success outcomes related to transition to college, retention, and persistence initiatives from the student perspective rather than the faculty experience. This autoethnographic case study explored two areas of the first-year seminar instructor experience: how facilitating academic-themed, interdisciplinary first-year seminar courses impact faculty perceptions of personal and professional identity and what first-year seminar components help or hinder the FYS instructor experience. This study found that the development of the first-year seminar instructor identity begins during the application process and continues to develop and evolve as an instructor becomes more experienced. Components that help or hinder the first-year seminar instructor experience include the ability to navigate challenging topics in the curriculum well, managing classroom interactions in a positive manner, and the way that the institution supports or does not support first-year seminar instructors. Instructors found increased confidence and self-efficacy when students engaged in classroom discussion positively and when they were able to connect and support students. This study offers suggestions for programs and institutions for supporting instructors teaching first-year seminars including: clarifying the purpose, intention, and goals of the first-year seminar so instructors can clearly articulate that for students, support faculty-student connection by elevating the role of first-year seminar instructors institutionally, creating opportunities for instructors to engage with one another in faculty learning communities and in relation to the campus more broadly, and providing adequate training and support so first-year seminar instructors can successfully support student transition to college.
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    Rural school teachers' attitudes toward the use of technology in classroom assessments
    (Montana State University - Bozeman, College of Education, Health & Human Development, 2024) Boateng, Samuel Kwaku Basoah; Chairperson, Graduate Committee: Gilbert Kalonde
    This study explored the attitudes of rural schoolteachers toward integrating technology into classroom assessments. Despite significant investments in educational technology infrastructure, the utilization of instructional devices for assessments in rural schools remains limited. The study employed a sequential explanatory mixed methods to address five key research questions, investigating rural school teachers' attitudes towards technology-based assessments, frequencies of technology use by rural, strategies employed by rural school teachers, challenges faced by rural school teachers in tech-based assessments, and the alignment of quantitative and qualitative data. The study relied on a questionnaire and focus group interviews and opened questions for data collection from 80 teachers randomly selected from the Belgrade School District in Montana. Data were analyzed using descriptive statistics and qualitative thematic analysis. The study revealed a positive attitude among rural teachers toward technology integration in classroom assessments. Teachers were willing to use tools like Google Classroom and digital assessments, aligning with broader trends indicating a growing acceptance of technology in education. The study further indicated that teachers in rural schools employ technology regularly for various assessments, utilizing tools like Google Classroom, forms, checklists, and online quizzes. This aligns with the increasing reliance on technology for formative and summative assessments, allowing for real-time data collection and effective student performance tracking. Teachers reported diverse strategies for integrating technology, including digital assessments, online platforms, and technology tools. These approaches align with previous studies emphasizing technology's role in enhancing assessment practices, promoting student engagement, and supporting differentiated instruction. The study also found that rural teachers face challenges such as unreliable internet connectivity, outdated hardware, and insufficient training, highlighting the need for targeted interventions and support mechanisms. The study recommends four strategies to improve rural education: addressing infrastructure gaps, providing professional development for teachers, establishing collaborative networks, and collaborating with policymakers to ensure equitable access to technology resources. These measures aim to create dynamic learning environments, enhance teachers' capabilities, foster a supportive community, and bridge the rural-urban educational divide. The study concludes by highlighting actionable insights for improving technology integration in rural classrooms, emphasizing tailored professional development and flexible implementation strategies.
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    Enhancing students' engineering identities and attitudes towards engineering and technology through place-conscious engineering activities
    (Montana State University - Bozeman, College of Education, Health & Human Development, 2024) Moonga, Miracle; Chairperson, Graduate Committee: Rebekah Hammack; Nick Lux (co-chair)
    Students' engineering identities and attitudes toward engineering are important because they can determine if students will pursue engineering careers. However, a dearth of research focuses on how participating in place-conscious engineering affects students' engineering identities and attitudes towards engineering and technology. This explanatory sequential mixed methods study investigated the effect of engaging elementary students in place-conscious engineering activities on their engineering identities and attitudes towards engineering and technology. Students completed two place-conscious engineering activities: (1) following a local wildfire, students designed and built air filters to prevent smoke from entering the homes of affected families residing in a nearby community, and (2) after the state issued several warnings about eminent floods due to ice-jams on a local river, students designed flood prevention strategies. Quantitative data about students' engineering identities were collected using pre and post surveys of the two subscales of the Engineering Identity Development Scale (EIDS): (1) academic subscale and (2) engineering career subscale. Quantitative data regarding students' attitudes toward engineering and technology were collected using pre and post surveys of the engineering and technology subscale of the Students' Attitudes Toward Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (S-STEM). Finally, to explain the trends observed in the quantitative data, qualitative data were collected through semi-structured focus group interviews. Findings suggested that students' academic identities and attitudes towards engineering and technology improved as a result of participating in place-conscious engineering activities. The study recommends exposing elementary students to place-conscious engineering activities to improve their engineering identities and attitudes towards engineering and technology.
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