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    Bone infection evolution
    (Elsevier BV, 2024-10) Kruse Jensen, Louise; Top Hatmann, Katrine; Witzmann, Florian; Asbach, Patrick; Stewart, Philip S.
    The present minireview aims to provide a context for imagination of the timespan for bone infection evolution from the origin of cellular bone tissue to modern orthopedic surgery. From a phylogenetic osteomyelitis-bracketing perspective, and due to the time of osteocyte origin, bacteria might have been able to infect the skeleton for approximately 400 million years. Thereby, bone infections happened simultaneously with central expansions of the immune system and development of terrestrial bone structure. This co-evolution might aid in explaining the many immune evasion strategies seen in the field of bone infections. Bone infection patients with long disease-free periods followed by sudden recurrence and anamnesis of long-term and low-grade infections indicate that bacteria can perform silent parasitism within bone tissue (parasitism; one organism lives on another organism, the host, causing it harm and is structurally adapted to it). The silence seems to be disturbed by immunosuppression and the present minireview shows that a compromised immune system has been associated with bone infection development across all species in the phylogenetic tree. Orthopedic surgery, including arthroplasty and osteosynthesis, favor introduction of bacteria and prosthesis/implant related infections are thus anthropogenic infections (anthropogenic; resulting from the influence of human beings on nature). In that light it is important to remember that the skeleton and immune system have not evolved for millions of years to protect titanium alloys and other metals, commonly used for orthopedic devices from bacterial invasion. Therefore, these relatively new orthopedic infection types must be seen as distinct with unique implant/prosthesis related pathophysiology and immunology.
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    Assessing the Effects of Surgical Irrigation Solutions on Human Neutrophil Interactions with Nascent Staphylococcus aureus Biofilms
    (MDPI AG, 2024-09) Gaur, Gauri; Predtechenskaya, Maria; Voyich, Jovanka M.; James, Garth; Stewart, Philip S.; Borgogna, Timothy R.
    Staphylococcus aureus (S. aureus) is the leading cause of surgical site infections (SSIs) and is capable of biofilm growth on implanted foreign devices. The use of surgical irrigation solutions has become a common strategy to combat bacterial contamination events that occur during surgery. Despite their antimicrobial activity, SSI rates remain consistent, suggesting that low-level contamination persists. In these cases, circulating neutrophils must traffic from the blood to contamination sites to aid in bacterial clearance. The influence of irrigation solutions on neutrophils’ ability to engage with bacteria has not been explored. The effects of three commonly used irrigation solutions: Xperience (sodium lauryl sulfate), Irrisept (chlorhexidine gluconate), and Betadine® (povidone-iodine) on nascent S. aureus biofilms alone and in the presence of human neutrophils were assessed at manufactured and diluted concentrations. All three solutions, at a 10% dilution, inhibited bacterial growth as demonstrated by culture assays and confocal video microscopy of bacterial aggregate formation. The effects of 10% dilutions of each of these solutions on neutrophil membrane integrity (by flow cytometry and propidium iodide staining) and motility (by confocal video microscopy of neutrophil track length) were investigated with differing outcomes for each irrigation solution. At this concentration only Irrisept preserved neutrophil membrane integrity and motility. Together, this study examines an overlooked aspect of surgical irrigation solutions by investigating their impact on innate immunity and highlights the feasibility of formulations wherein solution effectiveness is complemented by neutrophil function to reduce risks of infection.
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    Α,α-disubstituted β-amino amides eliminate Staphylococcus aureus biofilms by membrane disruption and biomass removal
    (Elsevier BV, 2023-12) Ausbacher, Dominik; Miller, Lindsey A.; Goeres, Darla M.; Stewart, Philip S.; Strøm, Morten B.; Fallarero, Adyary
    Bacterial biofilms account for up to 80% of all infections and complicate successful therapies due to their intrinsic tolerance to antibiotics. Biofilms also cause serious problems in the industrial sectors, for instance due to the deterioration of metals or microbial contamination of products. Efforts are put in finding novel strategies in both avoiding and fighting biofilms. Biofilm control is achieved by killing and/or removing biofilm or preventing transition to the biofilm lifestyle. Previous research reported on the anti-biofilm potency of α,α-disubstituted β-amino amides A1, A2 and A3, which are small antimicrobial peptidomimetics with a molecular weight below 500 Da. In the current study it was investigated if these derivatives cause a fast disintegration of biofilm bacteria and removal of Staphylococcus aureus biofilms. One hour incubation of biofilms with all three derivatives resulted in reduced metabolic activity and membrane permeabilization in S. aureus (ATCC 25923) biofilms. Bactericidal properties of these derivatives were attributed to a direct effect on membranes of biofilm bacteria. The green fluorescence protein expressing Staphylococcus aureus strain AH2547 was cultivated in a CDC biofilm reactor and utilized for disinfectant efficacy testing of A3, following the single tube method (American Society for Testing and Materials designation number E2871). A3 at a concentration of 90 μM acted as fast as 100 μM chlorhexidine and was equally effective. Confocal laser scanning microscopy studies showed that chlorhexidine treatment lead to fluorescence fading indicating membrane permeabilization but did not cause biomass removal. In contrast, A3 treatment caused a simultaneous biofilm fluorescence loss and biomass removal. These dual anti-biofilm properties make α,α-disubstituted β-amino amides promising scaffolds in finding new control strategies against recalcitrant biofilms.
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    Biofilm.jl: A fast solver for one-dimensional biofilm chemistry and ecology
    (Elsevier BV, 2023-12) Owkes, Mark; Coblentz, Kai; Eriksson, Austen; Kammerzell, Takumi; Stewart, Philip S.
    Biofilms are communities of microorganisms that grow on virtually all surfaces with sufficient nutrients including aquatic and industrial water systems and medical devices. Biofilms are complex, structured communities where the interplay of growth, metabolism, and competition between species interact with physical processes of diffusion, convection, attachment, and detachment. This work describes a model of a one-dimensional biofilm in a stirred tank reactor that incorporates these complexities. The model is implemented in the modern Julia programming language providing an efficient tool for studying a large variety of biofilms and the intricate communities the microorganisms create. Details of the new software, known as Biofilm.jl, including the mathematical model and organization and execution of the code, are provided. Examples of biofilms modeled using Biofilm.jl are presented such as a single heterotroph, sulfide-oxidizing bacteria (SOB) and sulfate-reducing bacteria (SRB), and a phototroph. Postprocessing tools are described that allow a Biofilm.jl user to make plots and extract specific values from the solution and explore the simulated biofilm results.
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    Simulation of catalase-dependent tolerance of microbial biofilm to hydrogen peroxide with a biofilm computer model
    (Springer Science and Business Media LLC, 2023-08) Stewart, Philip S.; Owkes, Mark
    Hydrogen peroxide (HP) is a common disinfectant and antiseptic. When applied to a biofilm, it may be expected that the top layer of the biofilm would be killed by HP, the HP would penetrate further, and eventually eradicate the entire biofilm. However, using the Biofilm.jl computer model, we demonstrate a mechanism by which the biofilm can persist, and even become thicker, in the indefinite treatment with an HP solution at concentrations that are lethal to planktonic microorganisms. This surprising result is found to be dependent on the neutralization of HP by dead biomass, which provides protection for living biomass deeper within the biofilm. Practically, to control a biofilm, this result leads to the concept of treating with an HP dose exceeding a critical threshold concentration rather than a sustained, lower-concentration treatment.
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    The biofilm life cycle: expanding the conceptual model of biofilm formation
    (Springer Science and Business Media LLC, 2022-10) Sauer, Karin; Stoodley, Paul; Goeres, Darla M.; Hall-Stoodley, Luanne; Burmølle, Mette; Stewart, Philip S.; Bjarnsholt, Thomas
    Bacterial biofilms are often defined as communities of surface-attached bacteria and are typically depicted with a classic mushroom-shaped structure characteristic of Pseudomonas aeruginosa. However, it has become evident that this is not how all biofilms develop, especially in vivo, in clinical and industrial settings, and in the environment, where biofilms often are observed as non-surface-attached aggregates. In this Review, we describe the origin of the current five-step biofilm development model and why it fails to capture many aspects of bacterial biofilm physiology. We aim to present a simplistic developmental model for biofilm formation that is flexible enough to include all the diverse scenarios and microenvironments where biofilms are formed. With this new expanded, inclusive model, we hereby introduce a common platform for developing an understanding of biofilms and anti-biofilm strategies that can be tailored to the microenvironment under investigation.
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    Search for a Shared Genetic or Biochemical Basis for Biofilm Tolerance to Antibiotics across Bacterial Species
    (American Society for Microbiology, 2022-04) Stewart, Philip S.; Williamson, Kerry S.; Boegli, Laura; Hamerly, Timothy; White, Ben; Scott, Liam; Hu, Xiao; Mumey, Brendan M.; Franklin, Michael J.; Bothner, Brian; Vital-Lopez, Francisco G.; Wallqvist, Anders; James, Garth A.
    Is there a universal genetically programmed defense providing tolerance to antibiotics when bacteria grow as biofilms? A comparison between biofilms of three different bacterial species by transcriptomic and metabolomic approaches uncovered no evidence of one. Single-species biofilms of three bacterial species (Pseudomonas aeruginosa, Staphylococcus aureus, and Acinetobacter baumannii) were grown in vitro for 3 days and then challenged with respective antibiotics (ciprofloxacin, daptomycin, and tigecycline) for an additional 24 h. All three microorganisms displayed reduced susceptibility in biofilms compared to planktonic cultures. Global transcriptomic profiling of gene expression comparing biofilm to planktonic and antibiotic-treated biofilm to untreated biofilm was performed. Extracellular metabolites were measured to characterize the utilization of carbon sources between biofilms, treated biofilms, and planktonic cells. While all three bacteria exhibited a species-specific signature of stationary phase, no conserved gene, gene set, or common functional pathway could be identified that changed consistently across the three microorganisms. Across the three species, glucose consumption was increased in biofilms compared to planktonic cells, and alanine and aspartic acid utilization were decreased in biofilms compared to planktonic cells. The reasons for these changes were not readily apparent in the transcriptomes. No common shift in the utilization pattern of carbon sources was discerned when comparing untreated to antibiotic-exposed biofilms. Overall, our measurements do not support the existence of a common genetic or biochemical basis for biofilm tolerance against antibiotics. Rather, there are likely myriad genes, proteins, and metabolic pathways that influence the physiological state of individual microorganisms in biofilms and contribute to antibiotic tolerance.
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    The importance of understanding the infectious microenvironment
    (Elsevier BV, 2022-03) Bjarnsholt, Thomas; Whiteley, Marvin; Rumbaugh, Kendra P.; Stewart, Philip S.; Jensen, Peter Ø.; Frimodt-Møller, Niels
    Standard doses of antibiotics do not efficiently treat chronic infections of the soft tissue and bone. In this Personal View, we advocate for improving treatment of these infections by taking the infectious microenvironment into account. The infectious microenvironment can cause sensitive bacteria to lose their susceptibility to antibiotics that are effective in standard laboratory susceptibility testing. We propose that bacteria behave substantially different in standard laboratory conditions than they do in actual infections. The infectious microenvironment could impose changes in growth and metabolic activity that result in increased protection against antibiotics. Therefore, we advocate that improved antibiotic treatment of chronic infection is achievable when antibiotics are recommended on the basis of susceptibility testing in relevant in vitro conditions that resemble actual infectious microenvironments. We recommend establishing knowledge of the relevant conditions of the chemical and physical composition of the infectious microenvironment. Recent advances in RNA sequencing, metabolomics, and microscopy have made it possible for the characterisation of the microenvironment of infections and to validate the clinical relevance of in vitro conditions to actual infections.
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    Experimental Designs to Study the Aggregation and Colonization of Biofilms by Video Microscopy With Statistical Confidenc
    (Frontiers Media SA, 2022-01) Pettygrove, Brian A.; Smith, Heidi J.; Pallister, Kyler B.; Voyich, Jovanka M.; Stewart, Philip S.; Parker, Albert E.
    The goal of this study was to quantify the variability of confocal laser scanning microscopy (CLSM) time-lapse images of early colonizing biofilms to aid in the design of future imaging experiments. To accomplish this a large imaging dataset consisting of 16 independent CLSM microscopy experiments was leveraged. These experiments were designed to study interactions between human neutrophils and single cells or aggregates of Staphylococcus aureus (S. aureus) during the initial stages of biofilm formation. Results suggest that in untreated control experiments, variability differed substantially between growth phases (i.e., lag or exponential). When studying the effect of an antimicrobial treatment (in this case, neutrophil challenge), regardless of the inoculation level or of growth phase, variability changed as a frown-shaped function of treatment efficacy (i.e., the reduction in biofilm surface coverage). These findings were used to predict the best experimental designs for future imaging studies of early biofilms by considering differing (i) numbers of independent experiments; (ii) numbers of fields of view (FOV) per experiment; and (iii) frame capture rates per hour. A spreadsheet capable of assessing any user-specified design is included that requires the expected mean log reduction and variance components from user-generated experimental results. The methodology outlined in this study can assist researchers in designing their CLSM studies of antimicrobial treatments with a high level of statistical confidence.
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    Sulfenate Esters of Simple Phenols Exhibit Enhanced Activity against Biofilms
    (American Chemical Society, 2020-03) Walsh, Danica J.; Livinghouse, Tom; Durling, Greg M.; Chase-Bayless, Yenny; Arnold, Adrienne D.; Stewart, Philip S.
    The recalcitrance exhibited by microbial biofilms to conventional disinfectants has motivated the development of new chemical strategies to control and eradicate biofilms. The activities of several small phenolic compounds and their trichloromethylsulfenyl ester derivatives were evaluated against planktonic cells and mature biofilms of Staphylococcus epidermidis and Pseudomonas aeruginosa. Some of the phenolic parent compounds are well-studied constituents of plant essential oils, for example, eugenol, menthol, carvacrol, and thymol. The potency of sulfenate ester derivatives was markedly and consistently increased toward both planktonic cells and biofilms. The mean fold difference between the parent and derivative minimum inhibitory concentration against planktonic cells was 44 for S. epidermidis and 16 for P. aeruginosa. The mean fold difference between the parent and derivative biofilm eradication concentration for 22 tested compounds against both S. epidermidis and P. aeruginosa was 3. This work demonstrates the possibilities of a new class of biofilm-targeting disinfectants deploying a sulfenate ester functional group to increase the antimicrobial potency toward microorganisms in biofilms.
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