College of Letters & Science

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The College of Letters and Science, the largest center for learning, teaching and research at Montana State University, offers students an excellent liberal arts and sciences education in nearly 50 majors, 25 minors and over 25 graduate degrees within the four areas of the humanities, natural sciences, mathematics and social sciences.


Search Results

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    Comparative Impact of Organic Grass-Fed and Conventional Cattle-Feeding Systems on Beef and Human Postprandial Metabolomics—A Randomized Clinical Trial
    (MDPI AG, 2024-10) Spears, Meghan; Cooper, Gwendolyn; Sather, Brett; Bailey, Marguerite; Boles, Jane A.; Bothner, Brian; Miles, Mary P.
    Background/Objectives: Cattle-feeding systems may have health implications for consumers of beef products. Organic grass-fed (GRA) and conventional (CON) cattle-feeding systems may result in beef products with differing metabolite profiles and therefore could impact the postprandial metabolomic response of consumers. This study aims to measure whole beef metabolomics and postprandial metabolomic response of consumers between GRA and CON beef to elucidate potential health implications. Methods: This study followed a randomized double-blind crossover design with healthy male and female subjects (n = 10). Plasma samples were taken at fasting (0) and postprandially for four hours after consumption of a steak from each condition. Untargeted metabolomic analysis of whole beef and human plasma samples used LC/MS. Multivariate and pathway enrichment analysis in MetaboAnalyst was used to investigate metabolite and biochemical pathways that distinguished CON and GRA. Results: Cattle-feeding systems impacted both postprandial and whole beef steak metabolomic profiles. Metabolites that contributed to this variation included carnitine species (Proionylcarnitine), fatty acids, amino acids (L-valine), and Calamendiol. These metabolites have been associated with oxidative stress, inflammation, and cardiovascular health. Functional pathway enrichment analysis revealed numerous amino acid degradation pathways, especially branched-chain amino acids, and fatty acid degradation that changed throughout the postprandial time course. Conclusions: These findings suggest that CON and GRA cattle-feeding systems differentially impact whole beef metabolomics, as well as consumer postprandial metabolic responses and the associated health implications.
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    Polyphenol-Rich Aronia melanocarpa Fruit Beneficially Impact Cholesterol, Glucose, and Serum and Gut Metabolites: A Randomized Clinical Trial
    (MDPI AG, 2024-08) Chamberlin, Morgan L.; Peach, Jesse T.; Wilson, Stephanie M.G.; Miller, Zachary T.; Bothner, Brian; Walk, Seth T.; Yeoman, Carl J.; Miles, Mary P.
    Polyphenol-rich Aronia fruits have great potential as a functional food with anti-inflammatory, hypolipidemic, and hypoglycemic biologic activities. However, clinical intervention trials investigating the impact of Aronia fruit consumption on human health are limited. A randomized, controlled, double-blinded, parallel intervention trial was conducted using 14 human subjects who ingested either 0 mL or 100 mL of Aronia juice daily for 30 days. Anthropometric measurements, fasting, and postprandial measures of glucose and lipid metabolism and inflammation, 16S rRNA fecal microbial composition data, and mass spectrometry-acquired serum and fecal metabolomic data were collected before and after the intervention period. Data were analyzed using general linear models, ANOVA, and t-tests. Daily consumption of Aronia prevented a rise in cholesterol levels (β = −0.50, p = 0.03) and reduced postprandial glucose (β = −3.03, p < 0.01). No difference in microbial community composition by condition was identified at any taxonomic level, but a decrease (β = −18.2, p = 0.04) in microbial richness with Aronia was detected. Serum and fecal metabolomic profiles indicated shifts associated with central carbon and lipid metabolism and decreases in pro-inflammatory metabolites. Our study further informs the development of polyphenol-based dietary strategies to lower metabolic disease risk.
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    Metabolomic Profiles and Pathways in Osteoarthritic Human Cartilage: A Comparative Analysis with Healthy Cartilage
    (MDPI AG, 2024-03) Wellhaven, Hope D.; Welfley, Avery H.; Brahmachary, Priyanka; Bergstrom, Annika R.; Houske, Eden; Glimm, Matthew; Bothner, Brian; Hahn, Alyssa K.; June, Ronald K.
    Osteoarthritis (OA) is a chronic joint disease with heterogenous metabolic pathology. To gain insight into OA-related metabolism, metabolite extracts from healthy (n = 11) and end-stage osteoarthritic cartilage (n = 35) were analyzed using liquid chromatography–mass spectrometry metabolomic profiling. Specific metabolites and metabolic pathways, including lipid and amino acid pathways, were differentially regulated in osteoarthritis-derived and healthy cartilage. The detected alterations in amino acids and lipids highlighted key differences in bioenergetic resources, matrix homeostasis, and mitochondrial alterations in OA-derived cartilage compared to healthy cartilage. Moreover, the metabolomic profiles of osteoarthritic cartilage separated into four distinct endotypes, highlighting the heterogenous nature of OA metabolism and the diverse landscape within the joint in patients. The results of this study demonstrate that human cartilage has distinct metabolomic profiles in healthy and end-stage OA patients. By taking a comprehensive approach to assess metabolic differences between healthy and osteoarthritic cartilage and within osteoarthritic cartilage alone, several metabolic pathways with distinct regulation patterns were detected. Additional investigation may lead to the identification of metabolites that may serve as valuable indicators of disease status or potential therapeutic targets.
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    Metalloproteomics Reveals Multi-Level Stress Response in Escherichia coli When Exposed to Arsenite
    (MDPI AG, 2024-09) Larson, James; Sather, Brett; Wang, Lu; Westrum, Jade; Tokmina-Lukaszewska, Monika; Pauley, Jordan; Copié, Valérie; McDermott, Timothy R.; Bothner, Brian
    The arsRBC operon encodes a three-protein arsenic resistance system. ArsR regulates the transcription of the operon, while ArsB and ArsC are involved in exporting trivalent arsenic and reducing pentavalent arsenic, respectively. Previous research into Agrobacterium tumefaciens 5A has demonstrated that ArsR has regulatory control over a wide range of metal-related proteins and metabolic pathways. We hypothesized that ArsR has broad regulatory control in other Gram-negative bacteria and set out to test this. Here, we use differential proteomics to investigate changes caused by the presence of the arsR gene in human microbiome-relevant Escherichia coli during arsenite (AsIII) exposure. We show that ArsR has broad-ranging impacts such as the expression of TCA cycle enzymes during AsIII stress. Additionally, we found that the Isc [Fe-S] cluster and molybdenum cofactor assembly proteins are upregulated regardless of the presence of ArsR under these same conditions. An important finding from this differential proteomics analysis was the identification of response mechanisms that were strain-, ArsR-, and arsenic-specific, providing new clarity to this complex regulon. Given the widespread occurrence of the arsRBC operon, these findings should have broad applicability across microbial genera, including sensitive environments such as the human gastrointestinal tract.
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    Metabolic Deficits in the Retina of a Familial Dysautonomia Mouse Model
    (MDPI AG, 2024-07) Costello, Stephanaan M.; Schultz, Anastasia; Smith, Donald; Horan, Danielle; Chaverra, Martha; Tripet, Brian; George, Lynn; Bothner, Brian; Lefcort, Frances; Copié, Valérie
    Neurodegenerative retinal diseases such as glaucoma, diabetic retinopathy, Leber’s hereditary optic neuropathy (LHON), and dominant optic atrophy (DOA) are marked by progressive death of retinal ganglion cells (RGC). This decline is promoted by structural and functional mitochondrial deficits, including electron transport chain (ETC) impairments, increased oxidative stress, and reduced energy (ATP) production. These cellular mechanisms associated with progressive optic nerve atrophy have been similarly observed in familial dysautonomia (FD) patients, who experience gradual loss of visual acuity due to the degeneration of RGCs, which is thought to be caused by a breakdown of mitochondrial structures, and a disruption in ETC function. Retinal metabolism plays a crucial role in meeting the elevated energetic demands of this tissue, and recent characterizations of FD patients’ serum and stool metabolomes have indicated alterations in central metabolic processes and potential systemic deficits of taurine, a small molecule essential for retina and overall eye health. The present study sought to elucidate metabolic alterations that contribute to the progressive degeneration of RGCs observed in FD. Additionally, a critical subpopulation of retinal interneurons, the dopaminergic amacrine cells, mediate the integration and modulation of visual information in a time-dependent manner to RGCs. As these cells have been associated with RGC loss in the neurodegenerative disease Parkinson’s, which shares hallmarks with FD, a targeted analysis of the dopaminergic amacrine cells and their product, dopamine, was also undertaken. One dimensional (1D) proton (1H) nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) spectroscopy, mass spectrometry, and retinal histology methods were employed to characterize retinae from the retina-specific Elp1 conditional knockout (CKO) FD mouse model (Pax6-Cre; Elp1LoxP/LoxP). Metabolite alterations correlated temporally with progressive RGC degeneration and were associated with reduced mitochondrial function, alterations in ATP production through the Cahill and mini-Krebs cycles, and phospholipid metabolism. Dopaminergic amacrine cell populations were reduced at timepoints P30–P90, and dopamine levels were 25–35% lower in CKO retinae compared to control retinae at P60. Overall, this study has expanded upon our current understanding of retina pathology in FD. This knowledge may apply to other retinal diseases that share hallmark features with FD and may help guide new avenues for novel non-invasive therapeutics to mitigate the progressive optic neuropathy in FD.
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    Impact of mineral and non-mineral sources of iron and sulfur on the metalloproteome of Methanosarcina barkeri
    (American Society for Microbiology, 2024-07) Larson, James; Tokmina-Lukaszewska, Monika; Payne, Devon; Spietz, Rachel L.; Fausset, Hunter; Alam, Md Gahangir; Brekke, Brooklyn K.; Pauley, Jordan; Hasenoehrl, Ethan J.; Shepard, Eric M.; Boyd, Eric S.; Bothner, Brian
    Methanogens often inhabit sulfidic environments that favor the precipitation of transition metals such as iron (Fe) as metal sulfides, including mackinawite (FeS) and pyrite (FeS2). These metal sulfides have historically been considered biologically unavailable. Nonetheless, methanogens are commonly cultivated with sulfide (HS-) as a sulfur source, a condition that would be expected to favor metal precipitation and thus limit metal availability. Recent studies have shown that methanogens can access Fe and sulfur (S) from FeS and FeS2 to sustain growth. As such, medium supplied with FeS2 should lead to higher availability of transition metals when compared to medium supplied with HS-. Here, we examined how transition metal availability under sulfidic (i.e., cells provided with HS- as sole S source) versus non-sulfidic (cells provided with FeS2 as sole S source) conditions impact the metalloproteome of Methanosarcina barkeri Fusaro. To achieve this, we employed size exclusion chromatography coupled with inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry and shotgun proteomics. Significant changes were observed in the composition and abundance of iron, cobalt, nickel, zinc, and molybdenum proteins. Among the differences were alterations in the stoichiometry and abundance of multisubunit protein complexes involved in methanogenesis and electron transport chains. Our data suggest that M. barkeri utilizes the minimal iron-sulfur cluster complex and canonical cysteine biosynthesis proteins when grown on FeS2 but uses the canonical Suf pathway in conjunction with the tRNA-Sep cysteine pathway for iron-sulfur cluster and cysteine biosynthesis under sulfidic growth conditions.
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    Metabolomic Profiles and Pathways in Osteoarthritic Human Cartilage: A Comparative Analysis with Healthy Cartilage
    (MDPI AG, 2024-03) Welhaven, Hope D.; Welfley, Avery H.; Brahmachary, Priyanka; Bergstrom, Annika R.; Houske, Eden; Glimm, Matthew; Bothner, Brian; Hahn, Alyssa K.; June, Ronald K.
    Osteoarthritis (OA) is a chronic joint disease with heterogenous metabolic pathology. To gain insight into OA-related metabolism, metabolite extracts from healthy (n = 11) and end-stage osteoarthritic cartilage (n = 35) were analyzed using liquid chromatography–mass spectrometry metabolomic profiling. Specific metabolites and metabolic pathways, including lipid and amino acid pathways, were differentially regulated in osteoarthritis-derived and healthy cartilage. The detected alterations in amino acids and lipids highlighted key differences in bioenergetic resources, matrix homeostasis, and mitochondrial alterations in OA-derived cartilage compared to healthy cartilage. Moreover, the metabolomic profiles of osteoarthritic cartilage separated into four distinct endotypes, highlighting the heterogenous nature of OA metabolism and the diverse landscape within the joint in patients. The results of this study demonstrate that human cartilage has distinct metabolomic profiles in healthy and end-stage OA patients. By taking a comprehensive approach to assess metabolic differences between healthy and osteoarthritic cartilage and within osteoarthritic cartilage alone, several metabolic pathways with distinct regulation patterns were detected. Additional investigation may lead to the identification of metabolites that may serve as valuable indicators of disease status or potential therapeutic targets.
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    Metabolomic profiles of cartilage and bone reflect tissue type, radiography-confirmed osteoarthritis, and spatial location within the joint
    (Elsevier BV, 2024-04) Welhaven, Hope D.; Viles, Ethan; Starke, Jenna; Wallace, Cameron; Bothner, Brian; June, Ronald K.; Hahn, Alyssa K.
    Osteoarthritis is the most common chronic joint disease, characterized by the abnormal remodeling of joint tissues including articular cartilage and subchondral bone. However, there are currently no therapeutic drug targets to slow the progression of disease because disease pathogenesis is largely unknown. Thus, the goals of this study were to identify metabolic differences between articular cartilage and subchondral bone, compare the metabolic shifts in osteoarthritic grade III and IV tissues, and spatially map metabolic shifts across regions of osteoarthritic hip joints. Articular cartilage and subchondral bone from 9 human femoral heads were obtained after total joint arthroplasty, homogenized and metabolites were extracted for liquid chromatography-mass spectrometry analysis. Metabolomic profiling revealed that distinct metabolic endotypes exist between osteoarthritic tissues, late-stage grades, and regions of the diseased joint. The pathways that contributed the most to these differences between tissues were associated with lipid and amino acid metabolism. Differences between grades were associated with nucleotide, lipid, and sugar metabolism. Specific metabolic pathways such as glycosaminoglycan degradation and amino acid metabolism, were spatially constrained to more superior regions of the femoral head. These results suggest that radiography-confirmed grades III and IV osteoarthritis are associated with distinct global metabolic and that metabolic shifts are not uniform across the joint. The results of this study enhance our understanding of osteoarthritis pathogenesis and may lead to potential drug targets to slow, halt, or reverse tissue damage in late stages of osteoarthritis.
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    Fe protein docking transduces conformational changes to MoFe nitrogenase active site in a nucleotide-dependent manner
    (Springer Science and Business Media LLC, 2023-11) Tokmina-Lukaszewska, Monika; Huang, Qi; Berry, Luke; Kallas, Hayden; Peters, John W.; Seefeldt, Lance C.; Raugei, Simone; Bothner, Brian
    The reduction of dinitrogen to ammonia catalyzed by nitrogenase involves a complex series of events, including ATP hydrolysis, electron transfer, and activation of metal clusters for N2 reduction. Early evidence shows that an essential part of the mechanism involves transducing information between the nitrogenase component proteins through conformational dynamics. Here, millisecond time-resolved hydrogen-deuterium exchange mass spectrometry was used to unravel peptide-level protein motion on the time scale of catalysis of Mo-dependent nitrogenase from Azotobacter vinelandii. Normal mode analysis calculations complemented this data, providing insights into the specific signal transduction pathways that relay information across protein interfaces at distances spanning 100 Å. Together, these results show that conformational changes induced by protein docking are rapidly transduced to the active site, suggesting a specific mechanism for activating the metal cofactor in the enzyme active site.
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    Yeast Rad52 is a homodecamer and possesses BRCA2-like bipartite Rad51 binding modes
    (Springer Science and Business Media LLC, 2023-10) Deveryshetty, Jaigeeth; Chadda, Rahul; Mattice, Jenna R.; Karunakaran, Simrithaa; Rau, Michael J.; Basore, Katherine; Pokhrel, Nilisha; Englander, Noah; Fitzpatrick, James A. J.; Bothner, Brian; Antony, Edwin
    Homologous recombination (HR) is an essential double-stranded DNA break repair pathway. In HR, Rad52 facilitates the formation of Rad51 nucleoprotein filaments on RPA-coated ssDNA. Here, we decipher how Rad52 functions using single-particle cryo-electron microscopy and biophysical approaches. We report that Rad52 is a homodecameric ring and each subunit possesses an ordered N-terminal and disordered C-terminal half. An intrinsic structural asymmetry is observed where a few of the C-terminal halves interact with the ordered ring. We describe two conserved charged patches in the C-terminal half that harbor Rad51 and RPA interacting motifs. Interactions between these patches regulate ssDNA binding. Surprisingly, Rad51 interacts with Rad52 at two different bindings sites: one within the positive patch in the disordered C-terminus and the other in the ordered ring. We propose that these features drive Rad51 nucleation onto a single position on the DNA to promote formation of uniform pre-synaptic Rad51 filaments in HR.
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