Theses and Dissertations at Montana State University (MSU)

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    STEM major choice: high school and collegiate factors
    (Montana State University - Bozeman, College of Education, Health & Human Development, 2022) Tran, Que Nguyet; Chairperson, Graduate Committee: Tricia Seifert
    A huge present and future workforce demand exists in Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (STEM) fields. Bolstered by a number of US policies and research that associates STEM majors with pursuing STEM careers, higher education institutions have aimed to support students to major in STEM fields in an effort to meet the needs of the STEM workforce. Despite these postsecondary efforts, the challenge begins in earlier levels of schooling with a shortage of licensed and highly qualified science and math teachers nationwide. Although many studies have examined math and science expectancy values and self-efficacy among high school students to predict their intention to major in STEM major choice, few have investigated both high school and college level variables to understand student STEM major choice declared in their third college year. Thus, this study fills the gap using the most recent STEM-focused national representative survey data -- High School Longitudinal Study 2009 (HSLS:09). Three research questions are: (i) To what extent do high school math and science motivation and self-efficacy, collegiate factors, and personal circumstances promote or hinder students' STEM major choice, controlling for student background characteristics? ; (ii) To what extent do collegiate factors and personal circumstances predict the probability of STEM major choice, controlling for student background characteristics? (iii) What factors predict college STEM GPA? This study employs theories of Situative expectancy value theory and Social cognitive career theory to develop a conceptual framework. Logistic regression was used to analyze the first two questions, and linear regression used for the third question. The first research question found gender, math attainment value, science attainment value, college STEM credits earned, and STEM GPA are predictive of the probability of STEM major choice. In the second research question, among college-period variables, gender, college STEM credits earned, and STEM GPA are predictors of STEM major choice. The third research question found race, social economic status, faculty research participation, career services on campus used, work schedule and academic performance interference, and disability are predictors of the average STEM GPA. Implications for theory, research, and practice are discussed.
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    Developing self-efficacy toward writing research methods and classroom practices through awareness of writing experiences for high school students
    (Montana State University - Bozeman, College of Education, Health & Human Development, 2020) Frieling, Nicole Pamela; Chairperson, Graduate Committee: Sarah Pennington
    Self-efficacy research of students' participation with the writing process considers the factors of ideation, convention, and self-management, or rather, the research depends on the skills and techniques of the student writer. While there is much research dedicated to exploring variables of experience within these factors, such as gender, age, demographics, etc., there is very little research which considers the factor of experience as a whole dimension of each unique students' writing process. This study investigated the writing self-efficacy beliefs held by junior and senior high school students in relation to their associations with writing conception, and how writing experiences might contribute to how self-efficacy and conception are established. Scores of self-efficacy and ratios of writing conception were gathered using surveys. Then, using an ANOVA hypothesis test for significance, self-efficacy scores were analyzed based on conception of writing. Further, open-ended questions were also administered through the survey gathering responses to understand student writing experiences. In conjunction with these responses, student participants created storyboards of their lifelong writing experiences. These artifacts were coded using Krippendorff (2013) coding techniques. The results show a relationship between how students' self-efficacy scores differ based on their conception of writing. Further, the results of this study imply there is a relationship between writing experiences, conception, and self-efficacy. In particular, this sample revealed themes associated with collaboration in writing. However, the results of this particular sample are not the end goal or purpose of this study. Rather, it is to demonstrate the necessity for considering students' experiences with writing in each unique sample of self-efficacy toward writing research. Educational implications and further research are discussed.
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    The relationship of formal reasoning, motivation, and conceptual change: a quantitative study of introductory biology students across the United States
    (Montana State University - Bozeman, College of Education, Health & Human Development, 2018) Bernard, Romola Alaica; Chairperson, Graduate Committee: Carrie B. Myers; Steven Kalinowski (co-chair)
    There is a noticeable disconnect between conceptual change research carried out in different domains of knowledge. This is starkly apparent in the divide between theoretical models of conceptual change stemming from cognitive and educational psychology, and empirical studies on conceptual change rooted in science education. This study operationalized models of conceptual change that accounted for the rational aspect of conceptual change that dominates in the natural sciences, and the extrarational aspects of conceptual change that are focal in the social sciences. Mixed effects models of conceptual change were investigated. In addition to prior knowledge, formal reasoning ability was incorporated as a critical rational aspect of conceptual change. Academic motivation, plus the teaching and learning environment students experience were included as essential extrarational aspects of conceptual change. The final operational model of conceptual change has post-instruction score as the response variable, and pre-instruction score, formal reasoning ability, intrinsic motivation, representation of racial group in science, teacher experience, and teaching practice as the most important predictors of conceptual change. Prior knowledge and formal reasoning ability are by far the strongest predictors of improving post-instruction conceptual understanding of evolution by natural selection for introductory biology students. There are two noteworthy findings. One, a crucial student characteristic, formal reasoning ability, has been ignored in conceptual change research. When formal reasoning ability is included as a predictor, self-efficacy is not at all important in predicting conceptual change. Two, another student characteristic, race, plays an important role in predicting conceptual change.
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    Cultivating genius: an exploratory case study of the genius hour instructional technique and its effect on the identity and self-efficacy of high school science students
    (Montana State University - Bozeman, College of Education, Health & Human Development, 2017) Reuer, Marcia Diane; Chairperson, Graduate Committee: Nick Lux
    Genius Hour, a project-based instructional technique that promotes learner autonomy, has developed a dedicated following among teachers. However, despite the widespread enthusiasm about Genius Hour in the K-12 classroom, little to no empirical evidence exists on the effectiveness of the approach. To respond to this gap in the research, a longitudinal exploratory case study was implemented to better understand the practices of Genius Hour in a high school STEM environment. Of particular interest for this investigation was the influence of Genius Hour on students' identities and self-efficacy and in particular, on science identity and science self-efficacy. A two-year, longitudinal, mixed methods, exploratory case study spanning two years was performed that focused on high school freshmen (n=136) and their participating classroom teacher. Data sources included self-report surveys regarding identity and self-efficacy, as well as whole group interviews, individual interviews and small group interviews. Quantative data was analyzed using a paired t-test and normalized gains and effect size, while qualitative data was analyzed using emergent thematic analysis. Quantitative measures indicated the Genius Hour instructional technique increased students' belief in their scientific ability based on pre and post survey data, however, the effect size was small. Additionally, students had statistically significant gains in the Next Generation Science Standards Science and Engineering Practices (National Research Council, 2016) of asking questions and defining problems and analyzing and interpreting data. While quantitative analyses did not yield any significant results to suggest influence of Genius Hour on identity, there were substantial qualitative results to suggest participation in Genius Hour developed students' identities and in particular, their science identities.
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    Dual enrollment's influence on the socialization of students as future college students: a grounded theory study
    (Montana State University - Bozeman, College of Education, Health & Human Development, 2017) Frost, Leanne Hadley; Chairperson, Graduate Committee: Carrie B. Myers
    This qualitative grounded theory study explored how the dual enrollment (DE) experience influenced the socialization of students to become future college students at a small, rural two-year college. The researcher interviewed 40 students within one year of completing DE courses through the college. The population included students who passed and did not pass their DE courses, enrolled in college and did not enroll in college, and who had completed their DE coursework in one or more of three delivery modes: concurrently in the high school, online from the college, and on the college campus. The study found the DE experience did affect participants' socialization as future college students, largely due to their interactions with teachers, other students, and the environment. In addition, their ability to complete college-level coursework affected their self-efficacy. The students viewed DE as a 'transition' to college and recognized it was not 'the full college experience.' They also identified increased autonomy as part of becoming a college student. Differences among the three delivery modes existed, with the online format having the smallest effect on students' socialization. This grounded theory study followed a constructivist approach; therefore, the resultant theory has been influenced by the interpretations of the researcher.
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    Evolving student perceptions of mathematical identity: a case study of mindset shift
    (Montana State University - Bozeman, College of Education, Health & Human Development, 2017) MacKinder Clyatt, Lori Ann; Chairperson, Graduate Committee: William Ruff.
    This qualitative study documented the perceptions mathematics students at an alternative high school had during a shift in mindset from fixed to growth in a dual credit math course. The purpose of this study was to capture student perceptions of their own mindset shift and how their perceptions of mathematics changed. The conceptual framework used to interpret the findings was grounded in attribution theory. A case study research design bounded the perceptions of the students and the meanings they gave to these experiences. Data were collected and analyzed from multiple sources: participants' responses to writing prompts, focus group interviews, research field notes, and student artifacts. The grounded narrative that revealed itself from the student perspective over the course of this study was one of growing student trust in self and others as well as a deepening of student mathematical identity. It also showed that student perceptions of mathematics can shift in a short period of time (20 weeks) from a position of fear, shame, apprehension, and defeat to willingness, perseverance, joy, and overcoming challenges into a growth mindset. The recorded focus group discussions and various writing prompts captured the students' perceptions of their mindset shift in relationship to learning and deepening their understanding of mathematics. This study documents the power in individuals to shift out of a truncated learning cycle into a mathematical mindset. If the ability of students to shift from a fixed mindset into a growth mindset is dependent upon an educational environment, an educator's striving for a growth mindset becomes an important component.
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    Protective factors that enhance the resilience of American Indian students in graduating from urban high schools
    (Montana State University - Bozeman, College of Education, Health & Human Development, 2017) McCarthy, Glenda Anne; Chairperson, Graduate Committee: Christine Rogers Stanton
    The purpose of this research was to explore protective factors that strengthen the innate resilience of American Indian students who seek to graduate from urban high schools. A collective case study using Community Based Participatory Research and decolonizing methodologies was conducted with three co-researchers who graduated from a Montana urban high school in 2014 or 2015. Data sources included a series of three in depth interviews with each co-researcher and scrapbooks they created to document their high school years and protective factors. One family focus group provided an additional data source. Analysis reveals the importance of family and cultural protective factors, including the knowledge of tribal histories. Another protective factor is Montana's multicultural mandate, Indian Education for All, when implemented with culturally responsive pedagogy. Co-researchers benefitted from caring teachers who maintained high standards. Further protective factors were school and district based programs that supported student achievement, connected Native families with schools and celebrated, sustained or revitalized Native culture in urban high schools.
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    Secondary social studies teachers' perspectives on primary source planning
    (Montana State University - Bozeman, College of Education, Health & Human Development, 2016) Johnson, Spencer Theadore; Chairperson, Graduate Committee: Christine Rogers Stanton
    How are 21st Century teachers incorporating primary sources into their history lessons, and what challenges do they face in doing so? The social studies classroom is changing from pedagogy driven by textbook memorization to one that embraces a more authentic understanding of how history works. This change is accelerating due to new technologies and available primary sources on the Internet. This qualitative study questioned professionals in the field and resulted in four themes: Criteria for Effective Sources, Points of Access for Appropriate Source Material, Challenges Encountered in Finding Appropriate Sources, and Planning Lessons Using Sources. 'Criteria for Effective Sources' centers on what makes primary sources useful in the classroom. The 'Points of Access for Appropriate Source Material' theme describes how accessible primary sources are. The 'Challenges Encountered in Finding Appropriate Sources' theme describes why planning is time consuming. Finally, the 'Planning Lessons Using Sources' theme describes how teachers use sources in their lesson planning process. In essence, primary sources are available, but teachers need time to find and modify those sources to fit their instruction. Better website designs that look at efficiently presenting material on websites, as well as more focused professional development concerning the implementation of sources, could solve some of the challenges social studies teachers face.
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    Diorama construction simplified
    (Montana State College, Division of Education, 1960) Simmons, Hugh G.
    The decade preceding the 1960's was an age when the interests of students' and adults' were many and varied. Because of this diversification of interests, ideas to be presented had to be short, to the point, and interesting for effective communication. Each year history was being made, studied, and forgotten by students trying to keep up with the fast-changing pace of events. It was the opinion of the writer that there was a way in which important events could be recorded which would enable students not only to understand an event, but to gain an understanding of the forces or actions which led up to the event. It was the writer's contention that the preparation for and the construction of a diorama, a three dimensional scene incorporating three-dimensional objects with backgrounds in perspective, could stimulate and vitalize history courses at the high school level. The purpose of this investigation was three-fold: to construct a diorama, to produce a slide film set and guide, and to record the various steps in the construction of the diorama.
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    Intrinsically intertwined: student perspectives of successes and challenges in a competency-based public high school
    (Montana State University - Bozeman, College of Education, Health & Human Development, 2016) Sullivan, Susan Cater; Chairperson, Graduate Committee: Jayne Downey
    A shift in education paradigms has begun to take hold in the American public school system. Increasingly states are awarding waivers allowing schools and districts to move away from the traditional Carnegie time-based approach to teaching and learning (Worthen and Pace, 2014). One innovative effort toward school reform that has shown demonstrable increases in student success is competency-based education (Haystead, 2010). This education model offers self-paced, standards-based curriculum that requires students to demonstrate proficiency in content before advancing (Borre, 2012; Worthen and Pace, 2014). Extant school reform literature focuses primarily on adult perspectives; however, in order for lasting school reform efforts to succeed, the inclusion of student perspectives is critical (Silva, White, and Toch, 2015). This intrinsic case study was conducted at a public competency-based high school to investigate youth perspectives of components that contribute to student success and to identify components that could be improved to support student success. Youth participants in this study consist of students enrolled in a high school that was included in a whole-district adoption of competency-based education, reaching full implementation in 2012 (Sommers, 2015). The study asked students, from their perspectives, to identify: 1) which components of competency-based education support student success, 2) how those identified components support student success, 3) which element of competency-based education could be improved in order to increase student success, and 4) how improving those components would contribute to an increase in student success. Data was collected through semi-structured interviews conducted with ten youth, and two administrators. Additional data was collected through researcher-generated field notes and relevant artifacts. Results indicate two distinct categories contributing to student success: 1) School-Level and 2) Student-Level. Results indicate three categories youth participants identified as needing improvement to support student success: 1) Increased Learning Facilitator access, 2) Technology, and 3) Advisory Period. Multiple components are discussed for each category. Suggestions for further research are included.
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