Chemistry & Biochemistry

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The Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry offers research-oriented programs culminating in the Doctor of Philosophy degree. The faculty in the department have expertise over a broad range of specialty areas including synthesis, structure, spectroscopy, and mechanism. In each of these fields, the strength of the department has been recognized at the international level.


Search Results

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    Comparative Impact of Organic Grass-Fed and Conventional Cattle-Feeding Systems on Beef and Human Postprandial Metabolomics—A Randomized Clinical Trial
    (MDPI AG, 2024-10) Spears, Meghan; Cooper, Gwendolyn; Sather, Brett; Bailey, Marguerite; Boles, Jane A.; Bothner, Brian; Miles, Mary P.
    Background/Objectives: Cattle-feeding systems may have health implications for consumers of beef products. Organic grass-fed (GRA) and conventional (CON) cattle-feeding systems may result in beef products with differing metabolite profiles and therefore could impact the postprandial metabolomic response of consumers. This study aims to measure whole beef metabolomics and postprandial metabolomic response of consumers between GRA and CON beef to elucidate potential health implications. Methods: This study followed a randomized double-blind crossover design with healthy male and female subjects (n = 10). Plasma samples were taken at fasting (0) and postprandially for four hours after consumption of a steak from each condition. Untargeted metabolomic analysis of whole beef and human plasma samples used LC/MS. Multivariate and pathway enrichment analysis in MetaboAnalyst was used to investigate metabolite and biochemical pathways that distinguished CON and GRA. Results: Cattle-feeding systems impacted both postprandial and whole beef steak metabolomic profiles. Metabolites that contributed to this variation included carnitine species (Proionylcarnitine), fatty acids, amino acids (L-valine), and Calamendiol. These metabolites have been associated with oxidative stress, inflammation, and cardiovascular health. Functional pathway enrichment analysis revealed numerous amino acid degradation pathways, especially branched-chain amino acids, and fatty acid degradation that changed throughout the postprandial time course. Conclusions: These findings suggest that CON and GRA cattle-feeding systems differentially impact whole beef metabolomics, as well as consumer postprandial metabolic responses and the associated health implications.
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    Polyphenol-Rich Aronia melanocarpa Fruit Beneficially Impact Cholesterol, Glucose, and Serum and Gut Metabolites: A Randomized Clinical Trial
    (MDPI AG, 2024-08) Chamberlin, Morgan L.; Peach, Jesse T.; Wilson, Stephanie M.G.; Miller, Zachary T.; Bothner, Brian; Walk, Seth T.; Yeoman, Carl J.; Miles, Mary P.
    Polyphenol-rich Aronia fruits have great potential as a functional food with anti-inflammatory, hypolipidemic, and hypoglycemic biologic activities. However, clinical intervention trials investigating the impact of Aronia fruit consumption on human health are limited. A randomized, controlled, double-blinded, parallel intervention trial was conducted using 14 human subjects who ingested either 0 mL or 100 mL of Aronia juice daily for 30 days. Anthropometric measurements, fasting, and postprandial measures of glucose and lipid metabolism and inflammation, 16S rRNA fecal microbial composition data, and mass spectrometry-acquired serum and fecal metabolomic data were collected before and after the intervention period. Data were analyzed using general linear models, ANOVA, and t-tests. Daily consumption of Aronia prevented a rise in cholesterol levels (β = −0.50, p = 0.03) and reduced postprandial glucose (β = −3.03, p < 0.01). No difference in microbial community composition by condition was identified at any taxonomic level, but a decrease (β = −18.2, p = 0.04) in microbial richness with Aronia was detected. Serum and fecal metabolomic profiles indicated shifts associated with central carbon and lipid metabolism and decreases in pro-inflammatory metabolites. Our study further informs the development of polyphenol-based dietary strategies to lower metabolic disease risk.
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    Effects of lignin syringyl to guaiacyl ratio on cottonwood biochar adsorbent properties and performance
    (Springer Science and Business Media LLC, 2024-08) Muretta, Julie E.; Uriarte, Jade; Compton, Dalton; LaDouceur, Richard; Kirtley, John; Prieto-Centurion, Dario
    Lignin syringyl to guaiacyl ratio (S/G) has long been suspected to have measurable impacts on biochar formation, but these effects are challenging to observe in biochars formed from whole biomass. When the model bioenergy feedstock Populus trichocarpa (cottonwood), with predictable lignin macromolecular structure tied to genetic variation, is used as feedstock for biochar production, these effects become visible. In this work, two P. trichocarpa variants having lignin S/G of 1.67 and 3.88 were ground and pyrolyzed at 700 °C. Water-demineralization of feedstock was used to simultaneously evaluate any synergistic influences of S/G and naturally-occurring potassium on biochar physicochemical properties and performance. The strongest effects of lignin S/G were observed on specific surface area (SBET) and oxygen-content, with S/G of 1.67 improving SBET by 11% and S/G of 3.88 increasing total oxygen content in demineralized biochars. Functional performance was evaluated by breakthrough testing in 1% NH3. Breakthrough times for biochars were nearly double that of a highly microporous activated carbon reference material, and biochar with S/G of 3.88 had 10% longer breakthrough time than its lower S/G corollary. Results support a combination of pore structure and oxygen-functionalities in controlling ammonia breakthrough for biochar.
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    Metabolomic Profiles and Pathways in Osteoarthritic Human Cartilage: A Comparative Analysis with Healthy Cartilage
    (MDPI AG, 2024-03) Wellhaven, Hope D.; Welfley, Avery H.; Brahmachary, Priyanka; Bergstrom, Annika R.; Houske, Eden; Glimm, Matthew; Bothner, Brian; Hahn, Alyssa K.; June, Ronald K.
    Osteoarthritis (OA) is a chronic joint disease with heterogenous metabolic pathology. To gain insight into OA-related metabolism, metabolite extracts from healthy (n = 11) and end-stage osteoarthritic cartilage (n = 35) were analyzed using liquid chromatography–mass spectrometry metabolomic profiling. Specific metabolites and metabolic pathways, including lipid and amino acid pathways, were differentially regulated in osteoarthritis-derived and healthy cartilage. The detected alterations in amino acids and lipids highlighted key differences in bioenergetic resources, matrix homeostasis, and mitochondrial alterations in OA-derived cartilage compared to healthy cartilage. Moreover, the metabolomic profiles of osteoarthritic cartilage separated into four distinct endotypes, highlighting the heterogenous nature of OA metabolism and the diverse landscape within the joint in patients. The results of this study demonstrate that human cartilage has distinct metabolomic profiles in healthy and end-stage OA patients. By taking a comprehensive approach to assess metabolic differences between healthy and osteoarthritic cartilage and within osteoarthritic cartilage alone, several metabolic pathways with distinct regulation patterns were detected. Additional investigation may lead to the identification of metabolites that may serve as valuable indicators of disease status or potential therapeutic targets.
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    All the single cells: if you like it then you should put some virus on it
    (American Society for Microbiology, 2024-07) Adams, Sophia K.; Ducharme, Grace E.; Loveday, Emma K.
    Across a rich 70-year history, single-cell virology has revealed the impact of host and pathogen heterogeneity during virus infections. Recent technological innovations have enabled higher-resolution analyses of cellular and viral heterogeneity. Furthermore, single-cell analysis has revealed extreme phenotypes and provided additional insights into host-pathogen dynamics. Using a single-cell approach to explore fundamental virology questions, contemporary researchers have contributed to a revival of interest in single-cell virology with increased insights and enthusiasm.
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    Osteoarthritis Year in Review 2024: Molecular biomarkers of osteoarthritis
    (Elsevier BV, 2024-10) Welhaven, Hope D.; Welfley, Avery H.; June, Ronald K.
    Objective. To provide a comprehensive and insightful summary of studies on molecular biomarkers at the gene, protein, and metabolite levels across different sample types and joints affected by osteoarthritis (OA). Methods. A literature search using the PubMed database for publications on OA biomarkers published between April 1, 2023 and April 30, 2024 was performed. Publications were then screened, examined at length, and summarized in a narrative review. Results. Out of the 364 papers initially identified, 44 publications met inclusion criteria, were relevant to OA, and were further examined for data extraction and discussion. These studies included 1 genomic analysis, 22 on protein markers, 6 on metabolite markers, 9 on inflammatory mediators, and 6 integrating multiple molecular levels. Conclusions. Significant advancements have been made in identifying molecular biomarkers for OA, encompassing various joints, sample types, and molecular levels. Despite this progress, gaps remain, particularly in the need for validation, larger sample sizes, the integration of more clinical data, and consideration of covariates. For early detection and improved treatment of OA, continued efforts in biomarker identification are needed. This effort should seek to identify effective biomarkers that advance early detection, support prevention, evaluate interventions, and improve patient outcomes.
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    Methyl-reducing methanogenesis by a thermophilic culture of Korarchaeia
    (Springer Science and Business Media LLC, 2024-07) Krukenberg, Viola; Kohtz, Anthony J.; Jay, Zackary J.; Hatzenpichler, Roland
    Methanogenesis mediated by archaea is the main source of methane, a strong greenhouse gas, and thus is critical for understanding Earth’s climate dynamics. Recently, genes encoding diverse methanogenesis pathways have been discovered in metagenome-assembled genomes affiliated with several archaeal phyla1,2,3,4,5,6,7. However, all experimental studies on methanogens are at present restricted to cultured representatives of the Euryarchaeota. Here we show methanogenic growth by a member of the lineage Korarchaeia within the phylum Thermoproteota (TACK superphylum)5,6,7. Following enrichment cultivation of ‘Candidatus Methanodesulfokora washburnenis’ strain LCB3, we used measurements of metabolic activity and isotope tracer conversion to demonstrate methanol reduction to methane using hydrogen as an electron donor. Analysis of the archaeon’s circular genome and transcriptome revealed unique modifications in the energy conservation pathways linked to methanogenesis, including enzyme complexes involved in hydrogen and sulfur metabolism. The cultivation and characterization of this new group of archaea is critical for a deeper evaluation of the diversity, physiology and biochemistry of methanogens.
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    Cultivation and visualization of a methanogen of the phylum Thermoproteota
    (Springer Science and Business Media LLC, 2024-07) Kohtz, Anthony J.; Petrosian, Nikolai; Krukenberg, Viola; Jay, Zackary J.; Pihofer, Martin; Hatzenpichler, Roland
    Methane is the second most abundant climate-active gas, and understanding its sources and sinks is an important endeavour in microbiology, biogeochemistry, and climate sciences1,2. For decades, it was thought that methanogenesis, the ability to conserve energy coupled to methane production, was taxonomically restricted to a metabolically specialized group of archaea, the Euryarchaeota1. The discovery of marker genes for anaerobic alkane cycling in metagenome-assembled genomes obtained from diverse habitats has led to the hypothesis that archaeal lineages outside the Euryarchaeota are also involved in methanogenesis3,4,5,6. Here we cultured Candidatus Methanosuratincola verstraetei strain LCB70, a member of the archaeal class Methanomethylicia (formerly Verstraetearchaeota) within the phylum Thermoproteota, from a terrestrial hot spring. Growth experiments combined with activity assays, stable isotope tracing, and genomic and transcriptomic analyses demonstrated that this thermophilic archaeon grows by means of methyl-reducing hydrogenotrophic methanogenesis. Cryo-electron tomography revealed that Ca. M. verstraetei are coccoid cells with archaella and chemoreceptor arrays, and that they can form intercellular bridges connecting two to three cells with continuous cytoplasm and S-layer. The wide environmental distribution of Ca. M. verstraetei suggests that they might play important and hitherto overlooked roles in carbon cycling within diverse anoxic habitats.
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    Metalloproteomics Reveals Multi-Level Stress Response in Escherichia coli When Exposed to Arsenite
    (MDPI AG, 2024-09) Larson, James; Sather, Brett; Wang, Lu; Westrum, Jade; Tokmina-Lukaszewska, Monika; Pauley, Jordan; Copié, Valérie; McDermott, Timothy R.; Bothner, Brian
    The arsRBC operon encodes a three-protein arsenic resistance system. ArsR regulates the transcription of the operon, while ArsB and ArsC are involved in exporting trivalent arsenic and reducing pentavalent arsenic, respectively. Previous research into Agrobacterium tumefaciens 5A has demonstrated that ArsR has regulatory control over a wide range of metal-related proteins and metabolic pathways. We hypothesized that ArsR has broad regulatory control in other Gram-negative bacteria and set out to test this. Here, we use differential proteomics to investigate changes caused by the presence of the arsR gene in human microbiome-relevant Escherichia coli during arsenite (AsIII) exposure. We show that ArsR has broad-ranging impacts such as the expression of TCA cycle enzymes during AsIII stress. Additionally, we found that the Isc [Fe-S] cluster and molybdenum cofactor assembly proteins are upregulated regardless of the presence of ArsR under these same conditions. An important finding from this differential proteomics analysis was the identification of response mechanisms that were strain-, ArsR-, and arsenic-specific, providing new clarity to this complex regulon. Given the widespread occurrence of the arsRBC operon, these findings should have broad applicability across microbial genera, including sensitive environments such as the human gastrointestinal tract.
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    MicrobioRaman: an open-access web repository for microbiological Raman spectroscopy data
    (Springer Science and Business Media LLC, 2024-05) Lee, Kang Soo et al.; Hatzenpichler, Roland
    Here we present the establishment of an open-access web-based repository for microbiological Raman spectroscopy data. The data collection, called ‘MicrobioRaman’ (, was inspired by the great success and usefulness of research databases such as GenBank and UniProt. This centralized repository, residing within the BioStudies database1 — which is maintained by a public institution, the European Bioinformatics Institute — minimizes the risk of data loss or eventual abandonment, offering a long-term common reference for analysis with advantages in accessibility and transparency over commercial data analysis tools. We feel that MicrobioRaman will provide a foundation for this growing field by serving as an open-access repository for sharing microbiological Raman data and through the codification of a set of reporting standards.
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