School Library Advocacy Literature in the United States: An Exploratory Content Analysis
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This exploratory conceptual content analysis describes the published school library advocacy literature in the United States from 2001–2011. In 47 articles, the advocacy efforts undertaken, the responsible parties, the target populations, and goals and reasons for advocacy were examined. In all, 372 separate advocacy efforts were found. Of these, 168 efforts outlined tangible results of advocacy efforts while 204 efforts described strategies or techniques for advocacy but did not identify an outcome. The general school community was the most predominant target population for advocacy. Advocacy efforts specifically targeting school administrators and teachers were an infrequent target. The advocacy goal mentioned most frequently in the literature was enhancing awareness. Most (83%) advocacy activities were initiated by school librarians or an individual in the school library field. School library researchers should address the dearth of empirical and theoretical work on both the practice and impact of advocacy on the profession.
Ewbank, Ann D. & Kwon, Ja Youn (2015). School Library Advocacy Literature in the United States: An Exploratory Content Analysis. Library and Information Science Research 37(3), 236-243. doi: 10.1016/j.lisr.2015.04.005.