Pedagogical Perspectives on Counselor Education: An Autoethnographic Experience of Doctoral Student Development


There is minimal literature related to understanding what training factors contribute to the development of qualified counselor educators. Specifically, we wondered if counselor education doctoral students are effectively prepared for their roles as instructors. We chose an autoethnographic phenomenology method as a means for exploring the experiences of doctoral students \' pedagogical development in a doctoral instructional theory course. We sought to understand the essence of our experience through written reflection, photography, and group reflective processes. Analysis revealed the value we all obtained through the instructional theory course, experiential learning, and self-reflection, which contributed to increased self-efficacy as emerging counselor educators. The essence of our experience is described through seven descriptive themes-delineated as methods of coping and reinforcing. The results demonstrate the benefit of including an explicit pedagogical course in counselor education curriculums.




Elliott, Anna, Beronica M. Salazar, Brittany L. Dennis, Lynn Bohecker, Tiffany Nielson, Kirsten LaMantia, and David M. Kleist. "Pedagogical Perspectives on Counselor Education: An Autoethnographic Experience of Doctoral Student Development." The Qualitative Report 24, no. 4 (April 2019): 648-666.



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