Seeding Configuration, Species Competition and Nitrogen Rate Effects on Dry Field Pea and Hay-Barley Forage Production (2001)

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Central Agricultural Research Center


This report evaluates the effects of seeding configuration, competition between barley and pea and nitrogen (N) fertilizer rate on hay-barley and dry pea forage yield potential under dryland conditions in Central Montana. Dry matter forage production over the four seeding configurations averaged 2,376 pounds of dry matter production per acre (Table 31). The pure barley configuration under 120 pounds N per acre had the most dry matter forage production, with 3,437 pounds per acre (1.7 tons/acre), but was equal to (5% level) pea – barley mixed and pure barley plots, under 60 pounds of N per acre. The pure barley plot under 120 lbs N, also had the greatest protein yield (455 lbs) and canopy height (25”). When plots were compared to Pea-Barley mixed plots over all three N-fertilizer rates, the pure pea plots were the only treatment affect that was significantly different than the pea-barley mixed plot in forage production and protein content (Table 32). There appeared to be no significant differences when Nitrogen fertilizer rates were varied. A more thorough analysis will be written at a later date.



Agronomy, Plant sciences


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