Field Evaluation of Petroleum Spray Oil and Carbaryl Against Tetranychus marianae (Acari: Tetranichidae) on Eggplant
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Tetranychus marianae McGregor (Acari: Tetranychidae) is a pest of several perennial crops and is widespread in the Pacific Basin, including the Mariana Islands where it was first reported. The mite is also present in the West Indies, Bahamas, southern USA, Nicaragua, Argentina, Brazil and Southeast Asia. Eggplant growers apply carbaryl 10 to 15 times against this pest during each cropping period. Some growers no longer cultivate eggplant and tomato because of uncontrollable mite infestations. Previous indoor studies have shown petroleum spray oil (PSO) to be effective against T. marianae. We therefore examined the comparative effectiveness of PSO (Sun-spray 6E®) at the rate of 5mL/liter, and carbaryl at the rate of 1.5 mL/liter, against T. marianae on eggplant at 2 locations in Guam. The mean percentages of mite infested leaves and the population densities of T. marianae at both the locations were significantly higher in control plots than in treatment plots. PSO treatments with 6 and 15 sprays more effectively reduced the number of T. marianae-infested leaves and populations of T. marianae than carbaryl treatments. Marketable yields of eggplant from PSO treated plots were significantly higher than from the other plots. We recommend 6 applications of PSO at 15, 25, 35, 45, 55 and 65 days of after transplanting for managing T. marianae on eggplant.
Plant pathology, Plant sciences
Reddy, G.V.P., and R.H. Miller. 2014. Field evaluation of petroleum spray oil and carbaryl against the red spider mite (Acari: Tetranychidae) on eggplant. Florida Entomologist 97: 108-113.