Dry Field Pea and Hay-Barley Seeding Rate Affects on Dry Matter Forage Production (2001)

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Central Agricultural Research Center


This report evaluates the effects of hay barley seeding rate at a constant dry pea rate on forage yield under dryland conditions in Central Montana. Dry matter forage production averaged 3,086 pounds of dry matter per acre (Table 33). The pure barley treatment (#7) had the most dry matter forage production, with 3,915 pounds per acre (1.95 tons/acre), but was equal to (5% level) the Pea-Barley mixed treatments Nos. 4, 5 and 6. Dry pea stands were very similar to target rates, barley stands, however, were significantly less than their target rates. No differences in maturity or canopy heights were observed within the study. Based on the actual stand densities the data set was subdivided into three barley densities: 3, 6 and 9 plants per square foot and a supplemental analysis was performed to show the affect of barley density on pea forage production (Table 33B). Dry pea plant stand densities were not significantly different within the subset, while forage production potential was significantly impacted by increased barley density. At a plant density ratio of 2:3 (6 plants pea to 9 plants barley), dry pea production was only 707 pounds per acre, while at the same plant density (6 plants/ft2) the pure dry pea stand yielded 2,171 pounds per acre. Barley plants density and forage production increased at very similar rates. Overall, dry matter forage production was greatest when the barley density was highest, indicating barley plant density controls forage production of pea-barley mixes.



Agronomy, Plant sciences


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