College Algebra Structured Notes Workbook
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Montana State University
This structured note packet / workbook is designed to be used for in-class instruction by instructors with a wide variety of experience levels in a College Algebra course that prepares students for 4 credit hour Precalculus and Survey of Calculus courses. It includes topics that are found in OER Intermediate Algebra and College Algebra texts and is designed to promote instruction that strikes a balance between promoting foundational skills, conceptual understanding, connections between ideas / representations, applications and modeling.
Each section / lesson contains the following components:
• Link(s) to online OER reference text section(s) / resource(s)
• Sectional objectives and vocabulary words / phrases
• Break-out boxes for key definitions / ideas / strategies
• Instructional examples interspersed with You Try examples
• Associated MyOpenMath homework problem set (pilot during fall 2024)
There is not a one-to-one match between each section and a 50-minute class session.
Mathematics content courses., Mathematics.