Registration of ‘Bobcat’ hard red winter wheat


‘Bobcat’ (Reg. no. CV-1161, PI 693235) hard red winter (HRW) wheat (TriticumaestivumL.) was developed and released by the Montana Agricultural Experiment Station in September 2019. Bobcat is of unknown pedigree, derived from a composite of two related single crosses made in 2007: MT0598/98X366-E29-1and 01X258-C1/MT0598. MT0598 is an unreleased, hollow-stem experimental line,and98X366-E29-1and01X258-C1areunreleased,Montana solid-stem experimental lines. Bobcat was developed using a modified bulk breeding method and selected as an F5:6head row. Bobcat was tested under the experimental numberMTS1588 from 2015 to 2019 in Montana. Quality was evaluated in multilocation Montana trials since 2015. Bobcat is a solid-stem, high-yielding HRW wheat cultivar with medium to high test weight, medium maturity, reduced height (Rht-B1b), medium to high grain protein, and acceptable milling and baking quality.Bobcat was released for its improved host plant resistance to wheat stem sawfly(Cephus cinctusNort.) conditioned by stem solidness, along with short stature,and improved yield potential relative to ‘Warhorse’, the current predominant solid-stem cultivar in Montana.


This is the peer reviewed version of the following article: [Registration of ‘Bobcat’ hard red winter wheat. Journal of Plant Registrations 14, 3 p371-376 (2020)], which has been published in final form at This article may be used for non-commercial purposes in accordance with Wiley Terms and Conditions for Use of Self-Archived Versions:


bobcat red winter wheat


Bruckner PL, Berg JE,Lamb PF, et al. Registration of ‘Bobcat’ Hard RedWinter Wheat.J. Plant Regist. 2020;14:371–376.
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