Tracing interactions of hydrogeology and land use in two Montana watersheds

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Montana State University - Bozeman, College of Agriculture


Hydrogeologic systems dictate the introduction, transport, processing, and mixing of groundwaters, with implications for both groundwater and surface water quality. Land use can transform hydrogeologic processes and water quality through contributions of human amendments, alteration of soil and aquifer materials, and redistribution and consumption of water resources. Groundwater transit times are also orders of magnitude longer than those of surface water systems, resulting in lag times in water quality changes. In this thesis, I examine water quality consequences of land use in Montana at two headwater sites using geochemical tracers in groundwater and surface water. The first is within the Powder River Basin, the largest coal producing region in the US, where manmade aquifers composed of spoils from mine overburden replace existing unconsolidated and bedrock aquifers with salinity effects on downgradient waters. In a reclaimed coulee supplying groundwater to Rosebud Creek, a tributary of the Yellowstone River, geochemical and isotopic tracers reveal lateral contributions that contribute to dilution of high salinity mine-derived waters. These contributions include local inputs from shallow unconsolidated and bedrock aquifers and inputs of water on the order of 10,000 years from regional bedrock systems. The second site is the Gallatin Valley, a rapidly urbanizing intermountain basin in the Upper Missouri headwaters, where groundwater and surface water transects reveal mixing of water with a range of ages from a few years to 100,000 years. While not associated with spatial variation in nitrate concentration, these contributions likely attenuate rising nitrate concentrations in the valley aquifer as a whole over time, reflecting spatially variable loading from a legacy of agricultural fertilization and increasingly prevalent septic wastewater systems. A large component of the Gallatin Valley aquifer is decades old water sourced from higher elevation precipitation, consistent with long travelled mountain front stream losses. This component may diminish over time with an increasingly limited snowpack. Overall, hydrogeologic systems in these two land use regimes limit but do not eliminate effects of human-derived water quality concerns, and documenting them will improve water quality forecasting with impending changes in snowpack and precipitation.




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