Evaluation of Spring Durum Variety Performance in Trials Near Moccasin, Denton, Fort Benton, and Winifred (2002)

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Central Agricultural Research Center


This report evaluates the performance of spring durum varieties in environments and cropping methods representative of the southern triangle and central Montana. The 2002 statewide durum trials seeded on fallow and no-till recrop at the CARC were hailed out about 4 days prior to full ripening. The off-station trials have been reduced to a select six entries. The small durum acreage in the area does not merit a larger effort in terms of constricted cereal crops research dollars. In central Montana, for most agronomic characters, durum varieties are generally inferior to McNeal spring wheat. This statement is based on other recent experience. McNeal was not included in the data presented here.



Agronomy, Plant sciences


Lanning, S.P., Philips, D., Sharp, G.L., Talbert, L.E., Vavrovsky, J., Wargo, J., Wichman, D.M. 2002. Evaluation of spring durum variety performance in trials near Moccasin, Denton, Fort Benton, and Winifred. Moccasin, Mt.: Central Agricultural Research Center.
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