Registration of ‘Lustre’ durum wheat
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‘Lustre’ (Reg. no. CV-1193, PI 695072) is a spring durum wheat [Triticum turgidum L. ssp. durum (Desf.)] developed by the Montana Agricultural Experiment Station and released in 2020. Lustre was bred using the single seed descent method and was selected for its yield performance under dryland conditions across Montana, low grain Cd accumulation, good pasta firmness, high grain protein, high yellow semolina color, and low semolina ash. Lustre performs well in both the north central and northeast regions of Montana, where most Montana durum is produced and intended for pasta production. Lustre has similar stripe rust tolerance and susceptibility as top-grown durum cultivars in the state with susceptibility at the seedling stage and high-temperature adult-plant resistance. Lustre is moderately susceptible to Fusarium head blight like other durum cultivars. Lustre is resistant to the predominant races of stem and leaf rust and is moderately tolerant to fungal leaf spot complex. Lustre is approximately 89 cm tall, with a yellow green color and a heading date 1 d later than the cultivar ‘Mountrail’. Lustre has an erect flag leaf and an erect tapering head having white glumes and awns.
This is the peer reviewed version of the following article: [Registration of ‘Lustre’ durum wheat. Journal of Plant Registrations 16, 3 p576-584 (2022)], which has been published in final form at This article may be used for non-commercial purposes in accordance with Wiley Terms and Conditions for Use of Self-Archived Versions:
lustre, durum wheat, lustre durum wheat
Hogg, A. C., Carr, P.,Eberly, J., Chen, C., Kowatch-Carlson, C., Crutcher,F., Lamb, P., McNamara, K., Haney, E., Kephart, K.,Smith, V., Dykes, L., Chen, X., Huang, Li, & Giroux,M. (2022). Registration of ‘Lustre’ durum wheat.Journal of Plant Registrations,16,576–584.
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