Restoring semi-arid lands with microtopography

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Montana State University - Bozeman, College of Agriculture


Water is often limiting to plant establishment in semi-arid lands, and this limitation can be especially pronounced in restoration contexts where human legacy impacts and/or non-native plants are present. The application of herbicide and mulch can help retain soil moisture by killing unwanted plant species or lowering evaporative losses, respectively. Creation of microtopography, or soil surface variation, is a third technique that could alleviate growing-season water shortages. Here we report findings from a study that explored the effects of these three techniques combined with broadcast seeding a mix of four native grasses, one native shrub, and one native forb for increasing plant canopy cover and density at three sites in northern Yellowstone National Park. One year after treatment, plant cover in control plots averaged 60%. Across plots treated singly with 1.5% glyphosate herbicide, 3 cm of red cedar mulch, or hand-dug microtopography, only mulch and microtopography increased canopy cover relative to control plots, although the increase consisted mostly of non-native species (>97%). Herbicide, not surprisingly, decreased canopy cover, and that decrease also consisted mostly of non-native species. The herbicide treatment was the most effective in encouraging native species canopy cover and density while simultaneously reducing the same measures of non-native species. Microtopography treatments encouraged growth of all plants (native and non-native), particularly in the micro-lows, but for this to be an effective restoration strategy, non-native species must first be controlled. Although herbicide was quite effective at reducing non-native species populations, particularly at the Cinnabar site, spraying must be timed with the phenology of the existing non-native plant community. We learned that reducing competition with non-native plants does not necessarily encourage native plant growth, which may indicate that growing conditions need to be improved at this site before restoration can be successful. Taken together, our results suggest that soil amendments like microtopography and mulch may have beneficial restoration applications in semi-arid lands but may also show little benefit on a short time-scale in a highly disturbed system. Areas plagued by non-native species invasions and legacy agricultural and grazing impacts are likely to require careful planning of restoration approaches in order to claim long-term success.






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