The neurology of learning in a secondary science classroom

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Montana State University - Bozeman, College of Letters & Science


By actively teaching students about the neurology behind their learning students will integrate positive learning practices into their education and everyday lives. The questions associated with the focus statement were: Can teaching about the neurology behind learning increase tenacity in the classroom? Does implementing a lesson about how the human brain learns impact students' scores, demeanor, and work ethic? Teaching students about neurology resulted in students who are more likely to implement positive learning practices including, tenacity, increased test scores through study skills, and fewer behavioral redirects. Pre- and post- content tests, a Likert style survey, an unsolvable problem set, an interview, and a categorized behavioral journal were used as data collection instruments. Data were processed and analyze using both qualitative and quantitative methods. The results suggested teaching students about neurology has a positive impact in the classroom. After learning about neurology, students were more likely to spend a longer period of time working on a puzzle that does not have a solution than the same students before learning about neurology. Students who learned about neurology improved more on their pre- post- test when compared to the same students before learning about neurology. When students were asked, if they felt that learning about neurology was valuable, the majority of them said 'yes'. One student said, 'I will stick with problems now more than ever. If I don't understand something, I know that if I keep trying eventually, I will build that connection.' Ultimately it is evident that students who were taught about neurology in the classroom are more likely to implement and consistently use positive learning practices, display appropriate behaviors, and increased the likelihood that a student would stick with a problem for a longer period of time if they were directly taught about the processes of their brain while learning.






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