Effects of on-arrival, delayed vaccination and supplemental lysine on performance, antibody titer, temperature and metabolic profiles in response to modified-live viral respiratory vaccination

dc.contributor.advisorChairperson, Graduate Committee: Glenn Duffen
dc.contributor.authorSharon, Katherine Parsonsen
dc.contributor.otherGlenn C. Duff, Jeff W. Dailey, Jeff A. Carroll, Jonathan K. Hilmer and Brian Bothner were co-authors of the article, 'Supplemental lysine does not affect animal performance, antibody titer, or rectal temperature in response to a modified-live viral respiratory vaccine in neonatal Holstein calves' submitted to the journal 'Journal of animal science' which is contained within this thesis.en
dc.contributor.otherGlenn C. Duff, John A. Paterson, Jeff W. Dailey, Jeff A. Carroll, and Eric A. Marceau were co-authors of the article, 'Effects of timing of a modified-live respiratory viral vaccination (day 0 versus day 14 of a receiving period) on performance, feed intake, antibody titer response, and febrile response of beef heifers' in the journal 'The professional animal scientist' which is contained within this thesis.en
dc.description.abstractImproved vaccination efficacy and reducing virulence of bovine herpesvirus-1 could reduce respiratory disease incidence in feedlot cattle. Further, reduced virulence of herpesviruses by lysine supplementation is documented. The objective of this work was to evaluate the effects of timing as well as supplemental lysine associated with the administration of a modified-live respiratory viral vaccine on performance, feed intake, antibody titer response, and the febrile response. Thirty-six heifers were randomly assigned to treatments included no vaccine (CON), vaccination on d 0 (DO), and a d 14 (D14) of a 28 d receiving period. Daily feed intakes were recorded and body weight measured weekly. Temperature data loggers were attached to a blank controlled intrauterine drug release devices recording vaginal temperatures every 5 min. No differences (P > 0.10) among treatments were observed for performance. Daily intake was decreased for D14 versus D0 on d 14 (P < 0.01) and 15 (P < 0.10) and decreased (P < 0.05) on d 15 for the average of vaccinated calves versus CON. Vaginal temperature was increased (P < 0.10) on d 1 for D0 versus D14 heifers and increased (P < 0.05) for D14 versus D0 on d 14, 15 and 16. Sixty-four neonatal Holstein bull calves were used in a completely randomized design. Calves were fed milk replacer supplemented with either 17 g/d lysine (LYS) or an equivalent amount of casein (CAS) for 42 d. Calves were vaccinated with either an IN or an IM modified-live vaccine on d 36. Calves were weighed weekly and bled on d 35, 36, 37 and 42. Temperature data loggers were attached to rectal probes and temperatures were recorded every 5 min from d 28 to d 42. No differences (P > 0.10) were determined for average performance, rectal temperature, or IBR antibody titers between treatments. Serum urea nitrogen and the ratio of serum lysine:arginine increased (P < 0.05) for LYS compared to CAS calves. These results suggest that time vaccination alter feed intake and febrile response and supplementing lysine impacts nitrogen metabolism but does not alter the response to IBR vaccination in neonatal Holstein calves.en
dc.publisherMontana State University - Bozeman, College of Agricultureen
dc.rights.holderCopyright 2013 by Katherine Parsons Sharonen
dc.subject.lcshHolstein-Friesian cattleen
dc.titleEffects of on-arrival, delayed vaccination and supplemental lysine on performance, antibody titer, temperature and metabolic profiles in response to modified-live viral respiratory vaccinationen
mus.relation.departmentAnimal & Range Sciences.en_US
thesis.degree.committeemembersMembers, Graduate Committee: Michele Hardy; Shannon Moreaux.en
thesis.degree.departmentAnimal & Range Sciences.en


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