A review of the ironclad beetles of the world : (Coleoptera Zopheridae: Phellopsini and Zopherini)

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Montana State University - Bozeman, College of Agriculture


Phellopsis LeConte is revised. Phellopsis porcata (LeConte) is returned to valid status and P. yulongensis NEW SPECIES is described. Phellopsis montana Casey NEW SYNONYMY (NS) and P. robustula Casey NS = P. porcata (LeConte). Phellopsis imurai Masumoto = P. amurensis (Heyden) NS. Species redescriptions, a key to species and notes on the history, biology and biogeography of the group are provided. Phylogenetic analyses support several changes to sustain monophyletic genera of Zopherini because the genera Meralius Casey, Nosoderma Solier, and Phloeodes LeConte were found to be polyphyletic. The genus Sesaspis Casey NEW STATUS is re-recognized, and redescribed to include the following species: Sesaspis denticulata (Solier), S. emarginatus (Horn) NEW COMBIATION (NC), S. lutosus (Champion) NC, S. doyeni (García-París et al.) NC, S. adami NEW SPECIES, S. ashei NEW SPECIES, and S. triplehorni NEW SPECIES. Phloeodes LeConte is clarified with 10 new synonymies [P. diabolicus (LeConte) = P. pustulosus (LeConte) NS, P. latipennis Casey NS, P. ovipennis Casey NS, P. elongatus Casey NS, P. scaber Casey NS, P. angustus Casey NS, and P. remotus Casey NS).
Phloeodes plicatus (LeConte) = Noserus torvus Casey NS, Noserus collaris Casey NS, Noserus corrosus Casey NS, Noserus convexulus Casey NS]. Phloeodes venustus (Champion) NC is supported as a member of this clade extending the known range of the genus into Central America. Noserinus furcatus (Kirsch) NC is moved from Meralius Casey. Meralius clavapilus NEW SPECIES is described from Venezuela. Eleven new synonyms are proposed in Nosoderma Solier (N. championi Casey NS, N. prominens Casey NS, N. senex Casey NS, N. brevicolle Casey NS, and N. subglabrum Casey NS = N. inaequalis (Say); N. interruptum Champion NS = N. insigne Champion; N. carinatum Champion NS, N. anceps Champion NS, N. impressum Champion NS, and N. longipennis Casey NS = N. exsculptum Champion; and N. squalidus Casey NS = N. guatemalensis Champion). Scoriaderma congolense Fairmaire NS is a junior synonym of Nosoderma scabrosum Solier. Keys to the genera of Zopherini and species of Meralius Casey, Noserinus Casey, Nosoderma Solier, Phloeodes LeConte and Sesaspis Casey are provided, with illustrations of all included species of the genera mentioned.




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