School principal recruitment and selection in Montana
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Montana State University - Bozeman, College of Education, Health & Human Development
Schools nationally have reported concern about shrinking candidate pools for principal candidates. The
problem addressed in this study was that the relationship between recruitment and selection strategies
used by Montana school superintendents and existing standards for principals was not known. The
purpose of this study was to describe and examine the relationship between principal selection
strategies utilized by Montana schools in the selection of a new principal and nationally agreed upon
ISLLC standards for knowledge, dispositions and performances required of principals. From
examination of reported selection strategies used in Montana schools and the recruitment and selection
literature, a recruitment and selection model was developed for the hiring of quality principals.
Two parameters guided development of a model and strategies for recruitment and selection of
principals. One, effective recruitment strategies identified in the literature and examination of existing
recruitment strategies reported by Montana school superintendents. Two, effective selection strategies
identified in the literature and examination of existing selection strategies reported by Montana school
superintendents. As found in the recruitment and selection literature, there is an emphasis on strategies
utilized in the corporate world for CEO recruitment and selection.
Data generated from Montana school superintendents regarding hiring practices for principals revealed
that Montana’s administrative shortage parallels national reports; the absence of fully developed
recruitment procedures for attracting potential candidates, including minority and female candidates;
limited use of succession or internal “grow your own programs;” and, limited training for hiring
Two factor analysis of variance tests on selection data revealed significance in several areas; however,
differences should be interpreted with caution due to small cases sizes. Factor analysis was used to
examine respondent perceptions regarding the use of the ISLLC standards in recruitment and selection
and resulted in the identification of two factors accounting for 46.32% of the variance.
This study resulted in the development of a recruitment and selection model that integrates professional
development of principals with recruitment and selection practices based on the ISLLC standards.
Aligned hired practices contained in the model provide Montana schools with a process that will guide
their hiring of quality principals.