Increasing student achievement through modification of cognitive rubrics in the summit learning platform
Haren, Drake Matthew
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Montana State University - Bozeman, College of Letters & Science
Summit Learning Platform is a project-based curriculum offered to 4th -12th grade students nationwide. The projects are assessed using Summit Learning Cognitive Skills Rubrics. The Cognitive Skills Rubrics are an assessment and instructional tool that outlines 36 interdisciplinary, higher-order thinking skills that students will need for life beyond high school. In this investigation, modifications were made to the cognitive rubrics by making Lexile appropriate changes in order to meet grade appropriate levels. The students conducted a project using these modified rubrics in order to measure their achievement and perception of the platform. The data suggests that by modifying the rubrics, we can improve student achievement and increase their perception of the platform. Additionally, the changes also improved their perception of science as a subject while also increasing teacher self-confidence and motivation