Aphanomyces euteiches spatial distribution, host studies, and characterization in Montana
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Montana State University - Bozeman, College of Agriculture
Growing pulse crops in Montana has been inhibited by biotic constraints to production, including a complex of pathogens causing root rot. Aphanomyces root rot, caused by the soilborne oomycete, Aphanomyces euteiches, causes plant stunting and yellowing, root browning and constriction, and reduces yield in dry pea and lentil in the state. Twelve fields with a history of pulse root rot were sampled in northeast Montana with three 100 m entrance transects and one 50 m transect at a low spot or problem area. Soil from each 10 m quadrat within transects was assessed for root rot using a greenhouse bioassay with a susceptible dry pea variety, and with PCR. Samples were also analyzed for soil properties and nutrients. Distribution of the pathogen was sporadic in most fields, except for fields that had been growing pulses in a consistent rotation, where root rot severity was high and consistent. Soil pH, organic matter, potassium, and sulfur concentration were correlated with Aphanomyces root rot, and isolates varied in their response to acidic pH in vitro. Using a highly virulent A. euteiches isolate, greenhouse trials were conducted to assess the pathogen load of inoculated soil after growing host and non-host plant species, measured with a bioassay. Greenhouse pots were inoculated with 500 oospores per gram prior to planting plant treatments. Growing host plants resulted in higher root rot severity on dry pea bait plants compared to non-host plant treatments. When five cycles of plants were grown in greenhouse pots inoculated with A. euteiches, using five 'rotation' treatments, one treatment with three consecutive rounds of non-host plants reduced the disease severity score in one trial repetition compared to treatments with less than three successive rounds growing a non-host. This research indicates that sampling strategies for Aphanomyces root rot requires multiple sampling locations within a field to enhance the probability of detection, and that crop rotation is an important tool for management of pathogen load in the soil.