Evaluation of Spring Durum Variety Performance in Trials Near Moccasin, Denton, Fort Benton, and Winifred (2001)
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Central Agricultural Research Center
This report evaluates the performance of spring durum varieties in environments and cropping methods representative of the southern triangle and central Montana. Grain yields ranged from 24.8 to 35.8 bu/a at the two Moccasin sites with McNeal being the top
yielding variety. Yields at off-station nurseries were considerably lower. YU894-75, a variety from Western Plant Breeders, was the second highest yielding variety. McNeal was grown as a hard red spring wheat check and again out-yielded durum varieties. Mountrail was higher in yield than McNeal at the Denton and Winifred sites but McNeal topped the list when averaged across all locations and in long-term averages for any one location.
Agronomy, Plant sciences
Lanning, S.P., Philips, D., Sharp, G.L., Talbert, L.E., Vavrovsky, J., Wargo, J., Wichman, D.M. 2001. Evaluation of spring durum variety performance in trials near Moccasin, Denton, Fort Benton, and Winifred. Moccasin, Mt.: Central Agricultural Research Center.