The Jersey Shore

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Over the course of three months I traveled the 217-mile length of the New Jersey shoreline making formal portraits of tourists, locals, and landscapes in an effort to build on and contend with the media’s representation of the area. Having grown up in the area I felt the need to showcase not only the un-televised diversity in the area, but also the aspects of the popularized world that major networks may have looked over. The resulting project involved hours of travel as well as almost 100 rolls of film. All processed and edited by myself in an effort to show the fine art photography world as well as all others who were interested the amount of depth and diversity that exist on the stretch of beach written off by the majority of the nation. After photographing from June to August and looking over the processed film I discovered that my suspicion was correct and that the New Jersey Shore not only houses a diverse group of locals and tourists, but also a very scenic landscape seemingly overlooked by the media.


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