Evaluation of Winter Wheat Cultivar Performance Under Continuous-Crop, Crop-Crop-Fallow and Crop-Fallow Systems in Central Montana (2012)

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Central Agricultural Research Center


This report evaluates the relative performance of winter wheat cultivars and development lines in central Montana crop environments. The 2012 growing season was warmer and dryer than the long term average. These conditions commenced in mid-late June 2011. Therefore, the cropping system and soil depth were major factors in the 2012 crop performance in much of central Montana. The Moccasin and Belt locations had below average yields. Disease and insects, specifically sawfly, were not a problem for the 2012 cultivar evaluation trials. The Denton location received severe hail damage and was not harvested. The Moccasin location received significant hail on June 5. Overall, winter wheat yields were better than expected for the precipitation and temperature conditions due to good spring root growth.



Agronomy, Plant sciences


Berg, J.E., Bruckner, P.L., Dahlhausen, S.J., Deanon, B.J.S., Vavrovsky, J., Wichman, D.M. 2012. Evaluation of winter wheat cultivar performance under continuous crop, crop-crop-fallow and crop-fallow systems in central Montana. Moccasin, Mt.: Central Agricultural Research Center.
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