2001 Montana Intra-State Alfalfa Variety Trials
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Central Agricultural Research Center
This report identifies superior alfalfa varieties for dryland forage production in central Montana. Yield results for alfalfa variety nurseries seeded in the years 2001, 2000, 1998, and 1997 are presented in tables 1, 2, 3, and 4, respectively. Drought conditions persisting since the spring of 1997 continue to depress alfalfa forage yields. Warm winter weather which allow perennials, such as alfalfa, to remain actively growing through the late fall, winter and or early spring cause the plants to deplete soil water reserves while producing little vegetation. Yield levels are one third to one fourth of the expected yields. No significant variations in disease infections or insect feedings have been observed. Little variation in plot/treatment ranking across years has been observed. This indicates the importance of getting a good stand to start with. Ladak 65 yield levels continue to be similar to those of more modern varieties which have greater disease resistance. However, recent years have been dry and unsuitable for outstanding yield levels. In better yield conditions, this researcher expects modern varieties to exhibit a higher yield level relative to Ladak 65.
Agronomy, Plant sciences
Cash, S.D., Ditterline, R.L., Sharp, G.L., Vavrovsky, J., Wichman, D.M. 2001. 2001 Montana Intra-State Alfalfa Variety Trials. Moccasin, Mt.: Central Agricultural Research Center.