The effects of the application of the Next Generation Science Standards science and engineering practices on student achievement
Knowles, Steven J.
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Montana State University - Bozeman, College of Letters & Science
The Next Generation Science Standards were developed as a pathway for student success in science. The Science and Engineering Practices encourage students to take active roles in constructing knowledge by engaging in authentic learning experiences as real scientists and engineers. This study examines the effect of science and engineering practices on student motivation, and ultimately, achievement in ninth grade introduction to physics and earth science. The data used in this study was collected from pre- and post-exams, pre- and post-surveys, engagement timelines, and student interviews. The results of the study indicate that students participating in science and engineering practices learning opportunities are more interested and engaged in the content than when participating in traditional lecture and take notes learning opportunities. The apparent increase in interest and engagement motivated students to more actively participate and an increase in achievement was determined.