Spring Wheat Variety Evaluation in Off-Station and Re-Crop Trials Near Moccasin, Denton, Fort Benton, and Winifred (2000)
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Central Agricultural Research Center
To evaluate the performance of spring wheat varieties in environments and cropping methods representative of the southern triangle and central Montana. Yields ranged from 11 to 34 bu/a with the highest yields at the Moccasin site. Low moisture at the Fort Benton site contributed to lower than average yields. Spring wheat yields were below average at all four locations and varied greatly depending on available moisture. McNeal and Scholar, both released by Montana State University, yielded well as did Reeder, a new release from North Dakota. The average yield across all locations and all cultivars was 24.8 bu/a. The above average grain protein measured at all sites was accompanied by lower than average test weights. Heading date among cultivars was fairly uniform with all entries heading within the same week.
Agronomy, Plant sciences
Lanning, S.P., Philips, D., Sharp, G.L., Talbert, L.E., Vavrovsky, J., Wargo, J., Wichman, D.M. 2000. Spring wheat variety evaluation in off-station and re-crop trials near Moccasin, Denton, Fort Benton, and Winifred. Moccasin, Mt.: Central Agricultural Research Center.