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    Hydromulches suppress weeds and maintain fruit production in organically managed strawberry systems
    (Frontiers Media SA, 2024-05) Ahmad, Waqas; DeVetter, Lisa W.; McFadden, Dakota; Maupin, Brian; Bajwa, Dilpreet S.; Durado, Andrew; Weyers, Sharon; Galinato, Suzette P.; Weiss, Ben; Gramig, Greta
    Polyethylene (PE) mulches are widely used in strawberry (Fragaria × ananassa Duch) production for weed suppression and crop growth optimization. However, PE mulches are not biodegradable and contribute to plastic pollution. Our objective was to develop and test biodegradable liquid-applied ‘hydromulches’ (HMs) as a sustainable alternative to PE mulch. HM weed suppression efficacy, strawberry plant growth, and yield were evaluated. HM formulations consisted of shredded newsprint paper (NP), water, and a tackifier, either guar gum (GG) or psyllium husk (PH) added at 2 or 6%. Experiments were conducted at two environmentally distinct locations: northwest Washington (WA) and eastern North Dakota (ND). Five HM formulations were compared to black PE mulch within a randomized complete block design with four replications. PE mulch suppressed weeds completely at peak weed emergence and peak weed vegetative growth at both locations. Formulations of HM containing GG provided superior weed suppression compared to other HM formulations at peak weed emergence (4–6 vs. 18–22 plants m-2, respectively). At peak vegetative growth, HM formulations containing GG had the lowest weed density compared to other HMs in ND (1 vs. 9–12 plants m-2), whereas these differences were not observed in WA. Total weed biomass did not differ among HMs across both locations. GG HM formulations deteriorated similarly to PE mulch (3–5% vs. 2%, respectively) in ND, whereas other HMs deteriorated more substantially. In WA, all HMs deteriorated more than PE mulch (6–12% vs. 1%, respectively). Fruit yield did not differ among treatments in weedy and weed-free subplots (194–254 g plant-1) in WA. In ND, yield was greater in all HM treatments compared to PE mulch in both weedy and weed-free subplots. Across both locations, strawberry canopy cover was greater in PE mulch (56.1% canopy cover) compared to 2%GG and NP (42.4 and 39.8% canopy cover). Strawberry plant biomass was similar among mulch treatments. However, strawberry leaf and crown biomass were slightly lower in 2%PH compared to other mulch treatments. Results demonstrate HMs with GG tackifier are a promising alternative to PE mulch in organic strawberry systems based on ability to suppress weeds, enhance strawberry growth, and maintain yield.
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    Molten salt biomass torrefaction - A sensitivity analysis of process conditions
    (Elsevier BV, 2024-07) Kohlin, Lee; Pritchard, Hayden; Gladen, Adam C.; Dehkordi, Behrooz; Bajwa, Dilpreet
    Biomass is an abundant renewable resource that can be upgraded via torrefaction. Molten salts catalyze the torrefaction reaction, creating enhanced products for fuel and soil amendment purposes at lower temperatures than inert gas torrefaction. The objective of this study is to elucidate the main effects of molten salt torrefaction process conditions on ponderosa pine (Pinus ponderosa) and cave in rock switchgrass (Panicum virgatum) in a binary salt blend of lithium nitrate and potassium nitrate using a Plackett-Burman screening analysis. The investigated process conditions include sweep gas, temperature, salt to biomass ratio (S-B ratio), residence time, and lithium content. The metrics used to evaluate torrefaction severity include mass yields, chemical composition (lignin, cellulose, hemicellulose, extractives), higher heating value (HHV), carbon and nitrogen content, pH, and water sorption. The results show that switchgrass is more severely torrefied through molten salt torrefaction than pine at the same process conditions. For example, switchgrass mass yields are on average 23.3 % lower than pine mass yields across the test conditions. For both feedstocks, the most impactful process conditions are temperature, time, and lithium content in that order with some exceptions. For instance, the effect of temperature, time and lithium content on HHV are, respectively, 3.4×, 2.3×, and 1.7× larger than the next largest process condition for pine, whereas for switchgrass, these values are 3.6×, 2.7×, and 1×. Particle size, sweep gas, and S-B ratio have minor effects depending on the metric, but are overall not significant compared to temperature. The data suggests that an inert gaseous environment need not be maintained to facilitate molten salt torrefaction. Additionally, molten salt torrefaction can produce torrefied biomass with slightly different characteristics than inert gas torrefaction.
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    Design, Fabrication, and Validation of a Portable Perturbation Treadmill for Balance Recovery Research
    (ASME International, 2024-06) Knutson, Robert G.; Whitten, Justin; Graham, David; Shankwitz, Craig; Pew, Corey A.
    Trips and falls are a major concern for older adults. The resulting injury and loss of mobility can have a significant impact on quality of life. An emerging field of study, known as Perturbation Training, has been shown to reduce injury rates associated with trips and falls in older adults. Treadmills traditionally used for Perturbation Training are large, expensive, and immobile, forcing users to travel long distances to receive care. A portable treadmill would serve a larger portion of the at-risk population than current methods. We developed a portable, low-cost, twin-belt perturbation treadmill capable of high-intensity Perturbation Training. Belt speeds are controlled by a custom mechanical and software interface, allowing operators with no programming experience to control the device. The treadmill can accommodate users up to 118 kg and provides a maximum acceleration and speed of 12 m/s2 and 3.3 m/s, respectively, under full load. The total weight is 180 kg, and the treadmill can be moved like a wheelbarrow, with handles in the back and wheels in the front. The prototype was validated with mechanical and human participant testing, showing it as a viable device for Perturbation Training. In this paper, we will go over the design, fabrication, and validation processes used to create the Portable Perturbation Treadmill.
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    Unraveling sex-specific risks of knee osteoarthritis before menopause: Do sex differences start early in life?
    (Elsevier BV, 2024-05) Hernandez, Paula A.; Churchill Bradford, John; Brahmachary, Priyanka; Ulman, Sophia; Robinson, Jennifer L.; June, Ronald K.; Cucchiarini, Magali
    Objective. Sufficient evidence within the past two decades have shown that osteoarthritis (OA) has a sex-specific component. However, efforts to reveal the biological causes of this disparity have emerged more gradually. In this narrative review, we discuss anatomical differences within the knee, incidence of injuries in youth sports, and metabolic factors that present early in life (childhood and early adulthood) that can contribute to a higher risk of OA in females. Design. We compiled clinical data from multiple tissues within the knee joint—since OA is a whole joint disorder—aiming to reveal relevant factors behind the sex differences from different perspectives. Results. The data gathered in this review indicate that sex differences in articular cartilage, meniscus, and anterior cruciate ligament are detected as early as childhood and are not only explained by sex hormones. Aiming to unveil the biological causes of the uneven sex-specific risks for knee OA, we review the current knowledge of sex differences mostly in young, but also including old populations, from the perspective of (i) human anatomy in both healthy and pathological conditions, (ii) physical activity and response to injury, and (iii) metabolic signatures. Conclusions. We propose that to close the gap in health disparities, and specifically regarding OA, we should address sex-specific anatomic, biologic, and metabolic factors at early stages in life, as a way to prevent the higher severity and incidence of OA in women later in life.
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    Role of sodium sulfate in electrical conductivity and structure of lignin-derived carbons
    (Elsevier BV, 2024-08) Kane, Seth; Hodge, David B.; Saulnier, Brian; Bécsy-Jakab, Villő Enikő; Dülger, Dilara N.; Ryan, Cecily
    Lignin is a promising renewable alternative to fossil fuels for producing carbon materials such as carbon fibers, activated carbons, or carbon black. Despite extensive research, lignin-derived carbon materials show limited graphitization relative to comparable petroleum-derived carbons. Further, lignin-derived carbons show high variation in graphitization and electrical conductivity depending on the source of the lignin. Herein, nine lignins, derived from various feedstocks and isolation procedures, are pyrolyzed to produce biochar at 1100∘C. These lignins have a range of chemical compositions, carbon structures, and particle sizes. As a result, the pyrolysis behavior of these lignins varies, with powdered, clumped powder, and “foam” biochar morphologies resulting from finely powdered lignin. The produced biochars vary widely in both electrical conductivity, from 0.19 to 19 S/cm, and in-plane graphitic crystallite size, from 3.4 to 41.2Å. A significant decrease in electrical conductivity is identified when Na2SO4 is removed from lignin, accompanied by an increase in graphitic crystallite size. Based on this finding, a quadratic relationship between biochar graphitic crystallite aspect ratio and electrical conductivity is proposed that builds on established quasi-percolation models for biochar electrical conductivity.
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    Investigating atomization characteristics in an electrostatic rotary bell atomizer
    (Elsevier BV, 2024-05) Krisshna, Venkata; Owkes, Mark
    Electrostatic rotary bell atomizers are commonly used in several engineering applications, including the automobile industry. A high-speed rotating nozzle operating in a strong background electric field atomizes paint into charged droplets that range from a few micrometers to tens of micrometers in diameter. The atomization process directly determines the droplet size and droplet charge distributions which subsequently control the transfer efficiency and the surface finish quality. We have previously developed a tool to perform high fidelity simulations of near-bell atomization with electrohydrodynamic effects. In this work, we perform simulations employed with a droplet ancestry extraction tool to analyze previously inaccessible information and understand the physical processes driving atomization. We find that the electric field accelerates breakup processes and enhances secondary atomization. The total number of droplets, the ratio of secondary to primary droplets, and the ratio of coalescence to breakup activity are all much higher when operating in an electric field. We analyze the droplet velocity, local Weber number and charge density statistics to understand the complex physics in electrically assisted breakup. The results of the study have helped us gain insights into the physics of atomization in electrostatic rotary sprays.
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    Natural polymer hydrogel based 3D printed bioreactor testing platform for cancer cell culture
    (Elsevier, 2024-06) Rehovsky, Chad; Bajwa, Dilpreet S.; Mallik, Sanku; Pullman, Jessica E.; Ara, Ismat
    Although two-dimensional cell cultures provide a time- and cost-effective method for testing drugs at the preclinical level, they do not capture the three-dimensional cellular interactions or tumor penetration that must occur in vivo. Therefore, these drugs often fail as they transition from two-dimensional culture models to more complex ones, including animal models or even human clinical trials. The goal of this research was to develop a three-dimensional bioprinted pancreatic cancer drug testing platform that could increase the effectiveness of drug testing during the early preclinical stages. Specifically, different natural polymer hydrogel formulations of cellulose, alginate, and gelatin were tested to find the optimal printability and cell viability. It was determined that a cellulose nanocrystal and alginate hydrogel provided the best printability because of its superior shear thinning properties. In addition, BxPC-3 cells, that were printed and then cultured within this hydrogel for four days, exhibited a range of cell viability between 80 % and 60 %. To simulate vasculature around the bioprinted cultures, a spinning bioreactor was manufactured; however, it disturbed the cells, leading to a decrease in cell viability compared to stagnant cultures. Overall, the platform demonstrated good printability and cell viability for future use in pancreatic cancer drug testing.
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    Dynamic models for impact-initiated stress waves through snow columns
    (Cambridge University Press, 2024-03) Verplanck, Samuel Vincent; Adams, Eward Eagan
    The objective of this research is to model snow's response to dynamic, impact loading. Two constitutive relationships are considered: elastic and Maxwell-viscoelastic. These material models are applied to laboratory experiments consisting of 1000 individual impacts across 22 snow column configurations. The columns are 60 cm tall with a 30 cm by 30 cm cross-section. The snow ranges in density from 135 to 428 kg m−3 and is loaded with both short-duration (~1 ms) and long-duration (~10 ms) impacts. The Maxwell-viscoelastic model more accurately describes snow's response because it contains a mechanism for energy dissipation, which the elastic model does not. Furthermore, the ascertained model parameters show a clear dependence on impact duration; shorter duration impacts resulted in higher wave speeds and greater damping coefficients. The stress wave's magnitude is amplified when it hits a stiffer material because of the positive interference between incident and reflected waves. This phenomenon is observed in the laboratory and modeled with the governing equations.
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    Evolution and advancements in genomics and epigenomics in OA research: How far we have come
    (Elsevier BV, 2024-02) Ramos, Yolande F. M.; Rice, Sarah J.; Ali, Shabana Amanda; Pastrello, Chiara; Jurisica, Igor; Farooq Rai, Muhammad; Collins, Kelsey H.; Lang, Annemarie; Maerz, Tristan; Geurts, Jeroen; Ruiz Romero, Cristina; June, Ronald K.; Appleton, C. Thomas; Rockel, Jason S.; Kapoor, Mohit
    Objective. Osteoarthritis (OA) is the most prevalent musculoskeletal disease affecting articulating joint tissues, resulting in local and systemic changes that contribute to increased pain and reduced function. Diverse technological advancements have culminated in the advent of high throughput “omic” technologies, enabling identification of comprehensive changes in molecular mediators associated with the disease. Amongst these technologies, genomics and epigenomics – including methylomics and miRNomics, have emerged as important tools to aid our biological understanding of disease. Design. In this narrative review, we selected articles discussing advancements and applications of these technologies to OA biology and pathology. We discuss how genomics, deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) methylomics, and miRNomics have uncovered disease-related molecular markers in the local and systemic tissues or fluids of OA patients. Results. Genomics investigations into the genetic links of OA, including using genome-wide association studies, have evolved to identify 100+ genetic susceptibility markers of OA. Epigenomic investigations of gene methylation status have identified the importance of methylation to OA-related catabolic gene expression. Furthermore, miRNomic studies have identified key microRNA signatures in various tissues and fluids related to OA disease. Conclusions. Sharing of standardized, well-annotated omic datasets in curated repositories will be key to enhancing statistical power to detect smaller and targetable changes in the biological signatures underlying OA pathogenesis. Additionally, continued technological developments and analysis methods, including using computational molecular and regulatory networks, are likely to facilitate improved detection of disease-relevant targets, in-turn, supporting precision medicine approaches and new treatment strategies for OA.
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    A pilot study comparing prosthetic to sound limb gait mechanics during a turning task in people with transtibial amputation
    (Elsevier BV, 2023-10) Clemens, Sheila; Pew, Corey
    Background. Observational gait analysis is frequently used by clinicians to subjectively assess straight walking but is not often used to examine turning. Interlimb comparisons of phase- specific turning biomechanics in people with unilateral lower limb amputation has not previously been documented. Methods. A retrospective examination of gait kinematics and kinetics from five participants with unilateral transtibial amputation was performed. Data were collected during 90° step and spin turns capturing three distinct turning steps. Gait metrics of interest included: total turn time, stance time, peak knee flexion angle during Pre-Swing and Initial Swing gait phases, peak hip flexion and extension, ground reaction impulse, and whole body angular momentum. Statistical comparisons were made based on turn type between sound and prosthetic limbs. Findings. During the three turn steps (approach, apex, depart), participants spent significantly more time (P < 0.01) on their sound limb compared to their prosthetic limb regardless of turn type. Additionally, the prosthetic limb hip and knee exhibited more flexion (P < 0.05) during the apex step of turns, and whole body angular momentum was higher when the sound limb was used during the apex step of a turn (P < 0.05). Interpretation. This descriptive study offers the first phase-specific quantification of turning biomechanics in people with lower limb amputation. Results indicate that people with unilateral transtibial amputation spend more time on and experience higher impulses through their sound compared to their prosthetic limb during 90° turns, and that the prosthetic limb is performing differently than the sound limb, potentially increasing risks of injury or falls.
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    Three Decades of Advancements in Osteoarthritis Research: Insights from Transcriptomic, Proteomic, and Metabolomic Studies
    (Elsevier BV, 2023-12) Farooq Rai, Muhammad; Collins, Kelsey H.; Lang, Annemarie; Maerz, Tristan; Geurts, Jeroen; Ruiz-Romero, Cristina; June, Ronald K.; Ramos, Yolande; Rice, Sarah J.; Ali, Shabana Amanda; Pastrello, Chiara; Jurisica, Igor; Appleton, C. Thomas; Rockel, Jason S.; Kapoor, Mohit
    Objective. Osteoarthritis (OA) is a complex disease involving contributions from both local joint tissues and systemic sources. Patient characteristics, encompassing sociodemographic and clinical variables, are intricately linked with OA rendering its understanding challenging. Technological advancements have allowed for a comprehensive analysis of transcripts, proteomes and metabolomes in OA tissues/fluids through omic analyses. The objective of this review is to highlight the advancements achieved by omic studies in enhancing our understanding of OA pathogenesis over the last three decades. Design. We conducted an extensive literature search focusing on transcriptomics, proteomics and metabolomics within the context of OA. Specifically, we explore how these technologies have identified individual transcripts, proteins, and metabolites, as well as distinctive endotype signatures from various body tissues or fluids of OA patients, including insights at the single-cell level, to advance our understanding of this highly complex disease. Results. Omic studies reveal the description of numerous individual molecules and molecular patterns within OA-associated tissues and fluids. This includes the identification of specific cell (sub)types and associated pathways that contribute to disease mechanisms. However, there remains a necessity to further advance these technologies to delineate the spatial organization of cellular subtypes and molecular patterns within OA-afflicted tissues. Conclusions. Leveraging a multi-omics approach that integrates datasets from diverse molecular detection technologies, combined with patients’ clinical and sociodemographic features, and molecular and regulatory networks, holds promise for identifying unique patient endophenotypes. This holistic approach can illuminate the heterogeneity among OA patients and, in turn, facilitate the development of tailored therapeutic interventions.
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    Nano Boron Oxide and Zinc Oxide Doped Lignin Containing Cellulose Nanocrystals Improve the Thermal, Mechanical and Flammability Properties of High-Density Poly(ethylene)
    (MDPI, 2023-12) Bajwa, Dilpreet S.; Holt, Greg; Stark, Nicole; Bajwa, Sreekala G.; Chanda, Saptaparni; Quadir, Mohiuddin
    The widely used high-density polyethylene (HDPE) polymer has inadequate mechanical and thermal properties for structural applications. To overcome this challenge, nano zinc oxide (ZnO) and nano boron oxide (B2O3) doped lignin-containing cellulose nanocrystals (L-CNC) were blended in the polymer matrix. The working hypothesis is that lignin will prevent CNC aggregation, and metal oxides will reduce the flammability of polymers by modifying their degradation pathways. This research prepared and incorporated safe, effective, and eco-friendly hybrid systems of nano ZnO/L-CNC and nano B2O3/L-CNC into the HDPE matrix to improve their physio-mechanical and fire-retardant properties. The composites were characterized using Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy, scanning electron microscopy, energy dispersive X-ray analysis, thermo-gravimetric analysis, differential scanning calorimetry, dynamic mechanical analysis, horizontal burning test, and microcalorimetry test. The results demonstrated a substantial increase in mechanical properties and a reduction in flammability. The scanning electron microscope (SEM) images showed some agglomeration and irregular distribution of the inorganic oxides.
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    Classroom aerosol dispersion modeling: experimental assessment of a low-cost flow simulation tool
    (Royal Society of Chemistry, 2023-01) Dacunto, P.; Nam, S.; Hirn, M.; Rodriguez, A.; Owkes, M.; Benson, M.
    The purpose of this study was to assess the utility of a low-cost flow simulation tool for an indoor air modeling application by comparing its outputs with the results of a physical experiment, as well as those from a more advanced computational fluid dynamics (CFD) software package. Five aerosol dispersion tests were performed in two different classrooms by releasing a CO2 tracer gas from six student locations. Resultant steady-state concentrations were monitored at 13 locations around the periphery of the room. Subsequently, the experiments were modeled using both a low-cost tool (SolidWorks Flow Simulation) and a more sophisticated tool (STAR-CCM+). Models were evaluated based on their ability to predict the experimentally measured concentrations at the 13 monitoring locations by calculating four performance parameters commonly used in the evaluation of dispersion models: fractional mean bias (FB), normalized mean-square error (NMSE), fraction of predicted value within a factor of two (FAC2), and normalized absolute difference (NAD). The more sophisticated model performed better in 15 of the 20 possible cases (five tests at four parameters each), with parameters meeting acceptance criteria in 19 of 20 cases. However, the lower-cost tool was only slightly worse, with parameters meeting acceptance criteria in 18 of 20 cases, and it performed better than the other tool in 3 of 20 cases. Because it provides useful results at a fraction of the monetary and training cost and is already widely accessible to many institutions, such a tool may be worthwhile for many indoor aerosol dispersion applications, especially for students or researchers just beginning CFD modeling.
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    System efficiency of packed bed TES with radial flow vs. axial flow – Influence of aspect ratio
    (Elsevier BV, 2023-11) Skuntz, Matthew E.; Elander, Rachel; Azawii, Mohammad Al; Bueno, Pablo; Anderson, Ryan
    This paper compares the net system efficiency, including thermal efficiency and pressure drop effects, of radial versus axial flow packed beds for thermal energy storage. The traditional packed bed system is a cylindrical geometry where fluid flows axially from one end to another. However, issues of thermal stratification and high-pressure drop have led to recent studies on radial flow systems. One potential benefit is the reduced pressure drop in a radial flow system. This paper compares the performance of radial flow and axial flow systems at a range of aspect ratios (AR = H/Dbed) from 0.21 to 1.92 using a numerical model where the storage volume is held constant in all cases. When the radial flow bed is at a low aspect ratio (short/wide), the thermal front is improved but the pressure drop is high. At a high aspect ratio, the velocity is reduced in radial flow, leading to decreased pressure drop but an increased spreads in the thermal front that lowers thermal efficiency. The opposite trends are noted in axial flow. Thermal efficiencies of 83–91 % were noted for radial flow, while they ranged from 85 to 94 % in axial flow. Net efficiencies including pressure drop ranged from 74 to 82 % for radial flow and 80–87 % for axial flow. In both systems, a peak net efficiency was noted between the highest and lowest aspect ratio. While some aspect ratios with radial flow outperform axial flow from a net efficiency perspective, the results show that the highest net efficiency from axial flow is higher than that from radial flow. Overall, this paper highlights the importance of innovative TES designs and their potential to improve energy efficiency.
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    Germ‐Free C57BL/6 Mice Have Increased Bone Mass and Altered Matrix Properties but Not Decreased Bone Fracture Resistance
    (Wiley, 2023-08) Vahidi, Ghazal; Moody, Maya; Welhave, Hope D.; Davidson, Leah; Rezaee, Taraneh; Behzad, Ramina; Karim, Lamya; Roggenbeck, Barbara A.; Walk, Seth T.; Martin, Stephen A.; June, Ronald K.; Heveran, Chelsea M.
    The gut microbiome impacts bone mass, which implies a disruption to bone homeostasis. However, it is not yet clear how the gut microbiome affects the regulation of bone mass and bone quality. We hypothesized that germ-free (GF) mice have increased bone mass and decreased bone toughness compared with conventionally housed mice. We tested this hypothesis using adult (20- to 21-week-old) C57BL/6J GF and conventionally raised female and male mice (n = 6–10/group). Trabecular microarchitecture and cortical geometry were measured from micro–CT of the femur distal metaphysis and cortical midshaft. Whole-femur strength and estimated material properties were measured using three-point bending and notched fracture toughness. Bone matrix properties were measured for the cortical femur by quantitative back-scattered electron imaging and nanoindentation, and, for the humerus, by Raman spectroscopy and fluorescent advanced glycation end product (fAGE) assay. Shifts in cortical tissue metabolism were measured from the contralateral humerus. GF mice had reduced bone resorption, increased trabecular bone microarchitecture, increased tissue strength and decreased whole-bone strength that was not explained by differences in bone size, increased tissue mineralization and fAGEs, and altered collagen structure that did not decrease fracture toughness. We observed several sex differences in GF mice, most notably for bone tissue metabolism. Male GF mice had a greater signature of amino acid metabolism, and female GF mice had a greater signature of lipid metabolism, exceeding the metabolic sex differences of the conventional mice. Together, these data demonstrate that the GF state in C57BL/6J mice alters bone mass and matrix properties but does not decrease bone fracture resistance. © 2023 The Authors. Journal of Bone and Mineral Research published by Wiley Periodicals LLC on behalf of American Society for Bone and Mineral Research (ASBMR).
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    Biofilm.jl: A fast solver for one-dimensional biofilm chemistry and ecology
    (Elsevier BV, 2023-12) Owkes, Mark; Coblentz, Kai; Eriksson, Austen; Kammerzell, Takumi; Stewart, Philip S.
    Biofilms are communities of microorganisms that grow on virtually all surfaces with sufficient nutrients including aquatic and industrial water systems and medical devices. Biofilms are complex, structured communities where the interplay of growth, metabolism, and competition between species interact with physical processes of diffusion, convection, attachment, and detachment. This work describes a model of a one-dimensional biofilm in a stirred tank reactor that incorporates these complexities. The model is implemented in the modern Julia programming language providing an efficient tool for studying a large variety of biofilms and the intricate communities the microorganisms create. Details of the new software, known as Biofilm.jl, including the mathematical model and organization and execution of the code, are provided. Examples of biofilms modeled using Biofilm.jl are presented such as a single heterotroph, sulfide-oxidizing bacteria (SOB) and sulfate-reducing bacteria (SRB), and a phototroph. Postprocessing tools are described that allow a Biofilm.jl user to make plots and extract specific values from the solution and explore the simulated biofilm results.
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    High-fidelity simulations of a rotary bell atomizer with electrohydrodynamic effects
    (Elsevier BV, 2023-11) Krisshna, Venkata; Liu, Wanjiao; Owkes, Mark
    Electrostatic rotary bell atomizers are extensively used as paint applicators in the automobile industry. Paint undergoes atomization after exiting the edge of a high-speed rotating bell. In most setups, the paint is electrically charged and a background electric field is applied between the nozzle and the target surface to increase the transfer efficiency (TE). The atomization process directly determines the droplet size and droplet charge distributions which subsequently control TE and surface finish quality. Optimal spray parameters used in industry are often obtained from expensive trial-and-error methods. In this work, three-dimensional near-bell atomization is computationally simulated using a high-fidelity volume-of-fluid transport scheme that includes electrohydrodynamic (EHD) effects. We find that electrifying the setup results in the production of smaller droplets. Additionally, the electric field has a minor effect on primary atomization but a negligible effect on the size and stability of atomized droplets after secondary breakup. This cost-effective method of simulating EHD-assisted atomization allows for the understanding of the effect of the electric field and the extraction of droplet charge characteristics which is otherwise challenging to obtain experimentally.
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    Validation of a Low-Cost Portable Device for Inducing Noninvasive Anterior Cruciate Ligament Injury in Mice
    (ASME International, 2023-08) Jbeily, Elias H.; Lin, Yu-Yang; Elmankabadi, Seif B.; Osipov, Benjamin; June, Ron K.; Christiansen, Blaine A.
    Noninvasive compression-induced anterior cruciate ligament rupture (ACL-R) is an easy and reproducible model for studying post-traumatic osteoarthritis (PTOA) in mice. However, equipment typically used for ACL-R is expensive, immobile, and not available to all researchers. In this study, we compared PTOA progression in mice injured with a low-cost custom ACL-rupture device (CARD) to mice injured with a standard system (ElectroForce 3200). We quantified anterior–posterior (AP) joint laxity immediately following injury, epiphyseal trabecular bone microstructure, and osteophyte volume at 2 and 6 weeks post injury using micro-computed tomography, and osteoarthritis progression and synovitis at 2 and 6 weeks post injury using whole-joint histology. We observed no significant differences in outcomes in mice injured with the CARD system compared to mice injured with the Electroforce (ELF) system. However, AP joint laxity data and week 2 micro-CT and histology outcomes suggested that injuries may have been slightly more severe and PTOA progressed slightly faster in mice injured with the CARD system compared to the ELF system. Altogether, these data confirm that ACL-R can be successfully and reproducibly performed with the CARD system and that osteoarthritis (OA) progression is mostly comparable to that of mice injured with the ELF system, though potentially slightly faster. The CARD system is low cost and portable, and we are making the plans and instructions freely available to all interested investigators in the hopes that they will find this system useful for their studies of OA in mice.
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    Design of Experiment to Determine the Effect of the Geometric Variables on Tensile Properties of Carbon Fiber Reinforced Polymer Composites
    (MDPI AG, 2023-05) Janicki, Joseph C.; Egloff, Matthew C.; Bajwa, Dilpreet S.; Amendola, Roberta; Ryan, Cecily A.; Cairns, Douglas S.
    Carbon fiber reinforced polymers (CFRPs) are increasingly used in the aerospace industry because of their robust mechanical properties and strength to weight ratio. A significant drawback of CFRPs is their resistance to formability when drawing continuous CFRPs into complex shapes as it tends to bridge, resulting in various defects in the final product. However, CFRP made from Stretch Broken Carbon Fiber (SBCF) aims to solve this issue by demonstrating superior formability compared to conventional continuous CFRPs. To study and validate the performance of SBCF, a statistical design of the experiment was conducted using three different types of CFRPs in tow/tape form. Hexcel (Stamford, CT, USA) IM7-G continuous carbon fiber impregnated with Huntsman (The Woodlands, TX, USA) RDM 2019-053 resin system, Hexcel SBCF impregnated with RDM2019-053 resin, and Montana State University manufactured SBCF impregnated with Huntsman RDM 2019-053 resin were tested in a multitude of forming trials and the data were analyzed using a statistical model to evaluate the forming behavior of each fiber type. The results show that for continuous fiber CFRP tows forming, Fmax and Δmax do not show statistical significance based on temperature fluctuations; however, in SBCF CFRP tows forming, Fmax and Δmax is dominated by the temperature and geometry has a low statistical influence on the Fmax. The lower dependence on tool geometry at higher temperatures indicates possibly superior formability of MSU SBCF. Overall findings from this research help define practical testing methods to compare different CFRPs and provide a repeatable approach to creating a statistical model for measuring results from the formability trials.
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    Osteocyte Remodeling of the Lacunar-Canalicular System: What’s in a Name?
    (Springer Science and Business Media LLC, 2022-12) Heveran, C. M.; Boerckel, J.D.
    Purpose of Review. Osteocytes directly modify the bone surrounding the expansive lacunar-canalicular system (LCS) through both resorption and deposition. The existence of this phenomenon is now widely accepted, but is referred to as “osteocyte osteolysis,” “LCS remodeling,” and “perilacunar remodeling,” among other names. The uncertainty in naming this physiological process reflects the many persistent questions about why and how osteocytes interact with local bone matrix. The goal of this review is to examine the purpose and nature of LCS remodeling and its impacts on multiscale bone quality. Recent Findings. While LCS remodeling is clearly important for systemic calcium mobilization, this process may have additional potential drivers and may impact the ability of bone to resist fracture. There is abundant evidence that the osteocyte can resorb and replace bone mineral and does so outside of extreme challenges to mineral homeostasis. The impacts of the osteocyte on organic matrix are less certain, especially regarding whether osteocytes produce osteoid. Though multiple lines of evidence point towards osteocyte production of organic matrix, definitive work is needed. Recent high-resolution imaging studies demonstrate that LCS remodeling influences local material properties. The role of LCS remodeling in the maintenance and deterioration of bone matrix quality in aging and disease are active areas of research. Summary. In this review, we highlight current progress in understanding why and how the osteocyte removes and replaces bone tissue and the consequences of these activities to bone quality. We posit that answering these questions is essential for evaluating whether, how, when, and why LCS remodeling may be manipulated for therapeutic benefit in managing bone fragility.
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