Semantic Web Identity of Academic Libraries

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Taylor & Francis


Semantic Web Identity (SWI) is proposed as the condition in which search engines recognize the existence and nature of entities. The display of a Knowledge Graph Card in Google search results is an indicator of SWI, as it demonstrates that Google has gathered verifiable facts about the entity. Such recognition is likely to improve the accuracy and relevancy of Google’s referrals to that entity. This article summarizes part of the research conducted for a recent doctoral dissertation, showing that SWI is poor for ARL libraries. The study hypothesizes that the failure to populate records in appropriate Linked Open Data and proprietary Semantic Web knowledge bases contributes to poor SWI.



Semantic Web Identity, search engines, Google Knowledge Graph, Knowledge Graph Cards, Knowledge Cards, academic libraries, Association of Research Libraries, ARL


Kenning Arlitsch (2017) Semantic Web Identity of Academic Libraries, Journal of Library Administration, 57:3, 346-358.
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