Distribution of Exotic Plants in the N. Rocky Mountains by Environmental Type and Disturbance Condition

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Montana State Univeristy


This report lists seventy-three exotic species found in a systematic sampling of major environmental zones of the Rocky Mountains between the Canadian border and central Wyoming. For each exotic it states the regional distribution, the environmental types (HTs) it occupies (% constancy), the disturbance conditions (DCs) it occupies (% constancy), and its dominance (in terms of% frequency and% cover) in each cell of the HT x DC matrix. Park managers need to develop policy with respect to legally noxious weeds, forage grasses (eg Phleum pratense, Poa pratensis, Bromus inermis, and Dactylis glomerata), and forage legumes (eg Melilotus and Trifolium spp).


Final report on National Park Service-University of Wyoming sponsored research project: Exotic plants of northern Rocky Mountain environmental zones. NPS contract I CX125-4-A038.



T Weaver, D Gustafson, J Lichthardt, and B Woods 1989. Distribution of exotic plants in the N Rocky Mountains by environmental type and disturbance condition. MSU Biology Report #41, Montana State University, Bozeman. 91 pgs.
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