Rural Educational Attainment: The Importance of Context
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Understanding patterns of educational attainment among rural youth is a critical concern for our nation as we seek to
make postsecondary access and attainment more equitable across our increasingly diverse student population. The current
study examines data collected in the Education Longitudinal Study of 2002 to identify contemporary patterns of educational
attainment among rural youth, with a focus on associate degree attainment and bachelor's degree attainment. Findings reveal
that education expected for occupation is a significant predictor for bachelor's degree attainment, with regional differences
found among individuals earning a bachelor's degree. The results support a link between rural students' expectations for
occupation and educational attainment and highlight differences in educational attainment by region of residence.
Schmitt-Wilson, Sarah, Jayne A. Downey, and Ashley E. Beck. "Rural Educational Attainment: The Importance of Context." Journal of Research in Rural Education 33, no. 1 (January 2018): 1 -14. DOI: