Extensive remodeling of a cyanobacterial photosynthetic apparatus in far-red light


Cyanobacteria are unique among bacteria in performing oxygenic photosynthesis, often together with nitrogen fixation and, thus, are major primary producers in many ecosystems. The cyanobacterium, Leptolyngbya sp. strain JSC-1, exhibits an extensive photoacclimative response to growth in far-red light that includes the synthesis of chlorophylls d and f. During far-red acclimation, transcript levels increase ≥2-fold for ~900 genes and decrease ≥2-fold for ~2000 genes. Core subunits of photosystem I, photosystem II, and phycobilisomes are replaced by proteins encoded in a 21-gene cluster that includes a knotless red/far-red phytochrome and two response regulators. This acclimative response enhances light harvesting for wavelengths complementary to the growth light (λ = 700 to 750 nm) and enhances oxygen evolution in far-red light.



Biochemistry, Ecology


Gan, F., S. Zhang, N. C. Rockwell, S. S. Martin, J. C. Lagarias, and D. A. Bryant. Extensive Remodeling of a Cyanobacterial Photosynthetic Apparatus in Far-Red Light. Science 345, no. 6202 (August 21, 2014): 1312-1317.



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