Registration of ‘StandClear CLP’ hard red winter wheat
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‘StandClear CLP’ (Reg. no. CV-1162, PI 693236) hard red winter (HRW) wheat(Triticum aestivumL.) was developed and released by the Montana Agricultural Experiment Station and exclusively licensed to Loveland Products, Inc., in 2020.StandClear CLP is a two-gene Clearfield, semisolid-stem wheat intended for use with the selective imidazolinone (IMI) herbicide imazamox. StandClear CLPresulted from a cross of MTS0531 to an IMI herbicide tolerant F1plant from a population segregating for two acetohydroxyacid synthase (AHAS) genes [TaA-HAS1DandTaAHAS1B]. Original herbicide tolerance donors were IMI ‘Fidel’(TX12588*4/FS2, BASF) for alleleTaAHAS1Dvia descended experimental linesMTCL0309 and MTCL0510, and proprietary hard red spring wheat line CDCTeal 11A (BASF Corporation) for alleleTaAHAS1B. StandClear CLP was selectedasaF6:7headrow in 2014 following multiple cycles of phenotypic mass selection for IMI herbicide tolerance and stem solidness. StandClear CLP was tested under the experimental number MTCS1601 from 2016 to 2019 in Montana for field performance, herbicide tolerance, and end-use quality. StandClear CLP is a high-yielding, Clearfield HRW wheat cultivar with intermediate stem solidness,moderate host plant resistance to wheat stem sawfly, and acceptable milling and baking quality.
This is the peer reviewed version of the following article: [Registration of ‘StandClear CLP’ hard red winter wheat. Journal of Plant Registrations 14, 3 p365-370 (2020)], which has been published in final form at This article may be used for non-commercial purposes in accordance with Wiley Terms and Conditions for Use of Self-Archived Versions:
Berg, Jim E., Ken D. Kephart, Peggy F. Lamb, Edward S. Davis, Jed O. Eberly, John H. Miller, Chengci Chen et al. "Registration of ‘StandClear CLP’hard red winter wheat." Journal of Plant Registrations 14, no. 3 (2020): 365-370.
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