Timing and time perception: A selective review and commentary on recent reviews

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Frontiers Research Foundation


A clear example of the progress in the field of timing and time perception could be obtained by contrasting two articles published 30 years apart in the influential Annual Review of Psychology (ARP): one by Fraisse (1984), and one by Allman et al. (2014). The fact that there was one author 30 years ago, and a group of authors now, is a tangible sign of the contemporary way of approaching scientific research. In his review, Fraisse emphasized the distinction between time perception and time estimation; in their review, Allman et al. focused on the internal clock and the cerebral bases of timing and time perception.



Psychology, Cognitive psychology


Block, Richard A., and Simon Grondin. "Timing and time perception: A selective review and commentary on recent reviews." Frontiers in psychology 5 (2014): 5156-5158.
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