An Interface Region Imaging Spectrograph First View on Solar Spicules

dc.contributor.authorPereira, Tiago M. D.
dc.contributor.authorDe Pontieu, Bart
dc.contributor.authorCarlsson, Mats
dc.contributor.authorHansteen, Viggo H.
dc.contributor.authorTarbell, Ted D.
dc.contributor.authorLemen, James
dc.contributor.authorTitle, Alan M.
dc.contributor.authorBoerner, P.
dc.contributor.authorHurlburt, Neal E.
dc.contributor.authorWülser, J.P.
dc.description.abstractSolar spicules have eluded modelers and observers for decades. Since the discovery of the more energetic type II, spicules have become a heated topic but their contribution to the energy balance of the low solar atmosphere remains unknown. Here we give a first glimpse of what quiet­Sun spicules look like when observed with NASA's recently launched Interface Region Imaging Spectrograph (IRIS). Using IRIS spectra and filtergrams that sample the chromosphere and transition region, we compare the properties and evolution of spicules as observed in a coordinated campaign with Hinode and the Atmospheric Imaging Assembly. Our IRIS observations allow us to follow the thermal evolution of type II spicules and finally confirm that the fading of Ca II H spicules appears to be caused by rapid heating to higher temperatures. The IRIS spicules do not fade but continue evolving, reaching higher and falling back down after 500­800 s. Ca II H type II spicules are thus the initial stages of violent and hotter events that mostly remain invisible in Ca II H filtergrams. These events have very different properties from type I spicules, which show lower velocities and no fading from chromospheric passbands. The IRIS spectra of spicules show the same signature as their proposed disk counterparts, reinforcing earlier work. Spectroheliograms from spectral rasters also confirm that quiet­Sun spicules originate in bushes from the magnetic network. Our results suggest that type II spicules are indeed the site of vigorous heating (to at least transition region temperatures) along extensive parts of the upward moving spicular plasma.en_US
dc.description.sponsorshipIRIS is a NASA Small Explorer mission developed and operated by LMSAL with mission operations executed at NASA ARC and major contributions to downlink communications funded by the NSC (Norway). Hinode is a Japanese mission developed by ISAS/JAXA, with the NAOJ as domestic partner and NASA and STFC (UK) as international partners. It is operated in cooperation with ESA and NSC (Norway). This work was supported by the European Research Council grant No. 291058 and by NASA under contracts NNM07AA01C (Hinode), and NNG09FA40C (IRIS).en_US
dc.identifier.citationPereira, T. M. D., B. De Pontieu, M. Carlsson, V. Hansteen, T. D. Tarbell, J. Lemen, A. Title, et al. “An Interface Region Imaging Spectrograph First View on Solar Spicules” The Astrophysical Journal Letters 792, no. 1 (August 19, 2014): L15. doi:10.1088/2041-8205/792/1/l15.en_US
dc.titleAn Interface Region Imaging Spectrograph First View on Solar Spiculesen_US
mus.citation.journaltitleAstrophysical Journalen_US
mus.identifier.categoryPhysics & Mathematicsen_US
mus.relation.collegeCollege of Letters & Scienceen_US
mus.relation.universityMontana State University - Bozemanen_US


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